
The contract

Aria's Pov

I froze as the sound of gunshots echoed through the silent night.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead.

I muttered a silent prayer under my breath, hoping that none of the brothers, especially Colton, had been shot.

I hesitated for a moment, before opening my eyes and to my dismay it was exactly what I had been avoiding, the security team for our territory, the CFI.

"What's going on Alphas?" A lady said looking around the scene.

We got some information from the inhabitants of the slumps that there was a wild wolf on the loose.

"A wild wolf? Come on there's no such thing." Orion immediately said as I turned to Colton who had a jacket over his body, with no pants on, je might have probably shifted back to his human form as the gunshot scared him, no Alpha would want to be seen in this situation.

"Hey lady, are you okay?" She asked walking towards my direction as she stretched her hands to raise me up.

"Yes ma, yeah. I'm fine." I whimper
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