
Chapter 50 Kyle's night of wrestling

Dominic managed to calm Lily down. In just a few days the woman he has known since she was born, whom he knows as well as he knows himself, and whom he loves as his soul has been brought down from the pedestal on which she was standing.

He watches Lily sitting in his arms, asleep from the hysterical cry from which she could hardly stop herself. Thoughts run through his mind. He knows Michael and knows how much he loves Lily. In his mind Michael's love for Lily is absolutely too great to end so abruptly. At the same time, he knows Lily and knows that when she is nervous she sometimes says things that are hard to tolerate.

He places her lightly on her bed and strokes her forehead lightly.

"Everything will be fine, Lily!" he tells her lightly, trying not to wake her. "I know Michael loves you."

He doesn't know what tomorrow has in store for him. He doesn't know if he will be able to return to normal tomorrow and all this misfortune will end, but he knows one thing.

He wasted too much tim
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