
Chapter Three

The bell rang at exactly 3 o'clock indicating the end of classes. It was my last class for the day. Everyone started packing their belongings while Professor Adams called out to us to remind us about the test we'd be having next week before he left too. I was about leaving when my phone beeped. It was a message from Kathy telling me to come to our spot so i hurriedly went there.

"Hey guys." I said joining my friends at our usual spot under a huge tree just behind our classrooms. Kathy was leaning on the tree, cross-legged. Ann and Patricia sat on a tree stump likewise May. I frowned noticing the mood was off. "What's wrong?" 

Kathy was the one to speak up first. "It's May."

May was sitting there face down and fumbling with the hem of her sleeveless top, not saying a word. It was as if she was there but wasn't there, like she didn't know we were there too.

"Are you alright May?" No answer. I dropped my things on Ann's lap ignoring her cry of protest and squatted next to her. "May talk to me." No answer. "Guys what's wrong with her?"

Ann looked at Kathy and Patricia before answering me. "It's Josheph. He…um…pulled out the plug on the two of them." She explained further at the confused look on my face. "He broke up with her last night which was supposed to be their two years anniversary of dating."

"Oh no… Oh May I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Why would he…? What happened that…"

"He gave the flimsy excuse that she is too sweet and he needed some excitement. What pains me the most is the dude actually let her dress up to get her heart broken in a fancy restaurant." Kathy answered cutting in, disdain evident in her voice.

I stood up. "What? I don't get. She is too sweet meaning she is too nice and he doesn't like it? Oh God!" I threw my hands in the air. "What is this world turning into? You are nice to them, you are too sweet and it turns them off. You are not nice to them and don't give them your time, you are a snub. Geez."

I bent down to cuddle May. She was shaking in my arms, letting go of the long held tears. "I'm so sorry to hear this. May, he doesn't deserve you. This just goes to show how immature he really is. Sorry to say this but I'm glad it happened now and not when you guys have gone so far like marriage that he would just drop the bomb and expect you to deal with it.

"Look May, It's not the end of the world." I wiped her tears with the back of my palm. "May, it's not the end okay. You are not alone. You have us. You have a beautiful future ahead moreover he's really not worth you loosing your head over. I didn't really like the guy to be frank. He's just an asshole and…"

"Did you just say asshole?" Patricia cut in laughing. "I thought you don't do the swear words? I remember that one time when…." She stopped when she saw we were all looking at her like she had grown another head. "Oh right. Now's not the time. May now." she said softly and made a zipping motion across her lips. 

"Look May, I'm not going to allow you sit and mope around like someone who carries the weight of the world's sorrow on her back." Kathy exasperated moved from the tree and lifted May up by the shoulder, shaking her violently so she can look up at her. "You are damn too beautiful and he doesn't deserve even a strand of hair on your head. He dumped you? it's his loss. You are too sweet? Well, that means you are too sweet for him. We love this you, May. Now snuffle it in. He's not the world. You have us. It should count the most." May looked at her with swollen red eyes and nodded meekly. "That's my girl. I second Nadia's earlier comment. I also didn't like the self-absorbed jerk as well." 

I handed May my hanky to blow her nose with. 

"I know what you need May." Ann suggested.

Sniffing loudly, "What is that?" May asked almost like a whisper. 

"An outing with the girls. You know, burn out the Joseph calories, party all night. That would give you something other than loser man to think about." She added interlocking her arm with May's.

May nodded wiping at the fresh tears that rolled down her cheeks. "That's my sweet girl." Ann teased making inverted comma with her hands at the word sweet. May playfully punched her.

"Come on. Let's go." I urged

We packed our things and made our way out the school premises when I made the mistake of looking at my wrist watch. That action almost cost me my tongue as I almost swallowed it. I had totally forgotten about my appointment. 

"May, you should really go out with them and guys don't let her stop talking for even a sec. She should bring up all the topics." I warned in my best teacher-like voice then pulled her aside for a hug. Letting her go, I saw Patricia staring at me. "What?" 

"Why do I feel like the hug and the lecture means you are not coming?"

"I'm so sorry but I can't today. Today's so choked up. I have to tutor Amy remember? It's Thursday. I also have this housing project for my dad's friend I have to get to after that. I have a deadline."

"Yeah, right. Like you ever do go out with us. Sometimes, I wonder if we mean anything to you. Books come first. You should be here for her." Patricia pointed out.

"She's just trying to run from it. Your fear of chilling out is something to look into." Katherine stated.

"You know, you can always call to cancel. The project will still be there when you get back. Moreover, you are good at this and I'm sure a few minutes won't put a strain on it." May said sniffing loudly.

I smiled guiltily at her. "That's not true. I don't run away. I just don't think partying is my thing. That does not mean I can't make an exception for you but the thing is, I still have a lot to cover on the project. I've been stuck on putting an idea to life for sometime now.

"As for calling to cancel," I continued adjusting my shoulder bag. "I can't. I want to not only cancel but actually call it quits but I promised Amy's mum I would tutor her daughter every Thursday and exams are fast approaching. Stinger is, Amy's grades are staggeringly low but the she-devil doesn't seem bothered about it."

"How did Amy's mum know you had very good grades?" Ann asked. 

"My big mouth. Long story short, she's a family friend and one day she came over. I was talking to my dad in the living room while she was with my mum in the kitchen. She overhead our discussion on my grades and voilà, it all started. I've really got to go. See you guys later. Don't forget to send me pictures when you girls go out, okay?" I pecked May and bade them goodbye before running along.

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