

"Nessa, I've prepared some porridge for you with lots of herbs it will help you recover quickly. Eat while it's hot." Khloe had a sweet smile on her face. She grew up as the Lawson's family princess, the education she received was on a completely different level when compared with Vanessa's. Khloe had both extravagance of a wealthy family and the ability to work. This gave her a gentle front but she was shrewd and manipulative. After all she had written Vanessa's previous life story.

Vanessa glanced at the food Khloe made and put her arms around her mother's arm, whining, "Mom, I want to eat the food you made, not this porridge"

Although khloe's eyes flickered, she maintained her smile as if she didn't care about Vanessa's comment on her porridge.

The two actually born on the same day; Khloe was born in the morning whereas Vanessa was late at night.

Maureen turned to look at Khloe, who smiles back at her and said "If Nessa craves the food you make mom, you can cook for her, so she eats."

When she saw the eldest daughter wasn't upset, she tapped Vanessa's head and said indulgently," Look at you! When Khloe drops everything she was doing to cook for you, yet you don't appreciate it."

With a pout on her lips Vanessa said "But I love your cooking mom, I want to eat something made by you with extra love."

" Alright, alright, I will go and cook something for you" since her daughter loves her cooking, she will make meals for her to eat no questions asked. Leaving her girls in the room, she left immediately to prepare a healthy meal for her daughter.

On the other hand, Vanessa completely ignored khloe's presence in her room as she admired the decor. Her mother had specially arranged this room when she decided to stay with her biological parents. She never thought of having conflicts with the daughter of her adoptive parents but Khloe was a case. Aside from not wanting to see or associate with her biological parents, she kills her adoptive parents all for their properties and wealth.

Not wanting to be in the same space with Khloe, Nessa decided to head downstairs.

"Nessa," Khloe called out when she noticed Vanessa was heading down stairs.

However, Nessa didn't stop or slow down. Instead she said lightly "I'm going down for some snacks, I'm hungry." Khloe kept quiet and watched her walk out of the room and down the stairs. When she turned back she stared at the porridge and side dishes she brought up for seconds as her eyes darkened and lips tightened.

In the past, Vanessa loved porridge because of how she lived. Now, she didn't want to eat porridge...

Khloe found Vanessa's behavior odd but didn't comment on it cause not only did Vanessa reject the porridge but she also acted like a spoilt child in front of her mother!

After calming down, Khloe took the tray of food down. At the end of the staircase, she heard Vanessa's voice talking to her mother sweetly with a hint of kittenish which made her mother laugh constantly. When she entered the kitchen she saw Vanessa feeding Maureen some biscuits. Maureen never liked sweets, however, now that Vanessa was feeding her, Maureen was happily eating them as if it was the best food in the world.

"Nessa, mom doesn't like desserts." Then Khloe added " You've been back for more than a year now, how could you still not know mom's likes and dislikes?"

Vanessa looked bewildered, blinking her eyes at her mother she asked pitifully " mom, do you really not like desserts? "

She remembered from her previous life that her mother, Maureen loves desserts. She stopped consuming it as she was watching her weight to maintain a good figure. Infact she was delighted whenever she ate desserts.

"I love desserts Nessa, please feed me more." Maureen said endearingly.

Khloe's face soured as she watched the display of love between the mother and daughter dou, not giving up she continued in a thoughtful yet pitiful voice "But you never had desserts even when I made them"

" Oh dear, that was when I was watching my weight. I'm old now, I don't need to be on such a tight diet anymore so it doesn't matter if I gain some weight" Maureen answered as she saw khloe's pitiful expression.

Nessa smiled and fed her mother another chocolate chip cookie. Maureen ate the cookie in enjoyment and said "it's wonderful, I really love this"

Nessa gushed as she saw her mother's satisfied look "mom, I'll make you some desserts once I'm fully recovered"

She always enjoyed baking all sorts of cakes and pastry in her past life, but she had never made any for her mother.

Such an unfilial child she was.

She had wronged her parents, she had wronged her baby and she wronged herself.

Her baby, she probably won't get to be a mother in this lifetime as the man she wants to marry is bound to a wheelchair and rumor has it that he can't perform as a man would in bed.

When Maureen heard what Nessa said she smile in delight "I've been waiting for you to make some desserts for me"

Khloe watched the Mother and daughter interaction; although she had a smile on her face, jealousy filled her eyes. Then she glanced at Nessa who had a smile on her face and said in distress " Nessa, you should be more careful in the future. You're not only hurting yourself but all of us, especially mother. You don't know how scared mom was to find you at the bottom of the stairs unconscious. Try to take better care of yourself, alright? "

Nessa stared at her blankly for a few seconds, with a firm tone she said " I won't allow it to happen again! I'm not stupid to make the same mistake twice"

When their eyes met, Khloe felt that Nessa had changed. She must be delusional, she was still the same person.

She stared at Nessa's brown curly hair that she acquired from their father, it looked so well kept and added a sense of charm to the already elegant Nessa. "We would be relieved if you could be more careful and aware of your surroundings."

" I will surely take care of myself from now on and won't make those silly mistakes I made in my past. " Nessa replied with a glint in her eyes.

As Maureen watched the interaction between the girls, she was delighted beyond words. Her biggest fear after they reunited with their lost child was if her adopted daughter could coexist peacefully with her biological daughter. Fortunately it was all in her head as Khloe was a great elder sister to Nessa. It's good that both children are able to live together.

Khloe could feel that Nessa's words had another meaning but she couldn't decipher what exactly she meant. What does a country side girl know anyway? Nothing. She sneered as she watched Maureen preparing a meal for Nessa.

"It's good to be more mindful" Khloe said with a nod like a wise elder sister looking out for her little sis.

Nessa rolled her eyes before turning around and leaving the kitchen. Being the only one who saw Nessa rolling her eyes, Khloe was speechless as this had never happened.

"You should go out first Khloe, I'm making food for Nessa and wouldn't want to be distracted."

When Khloe heard what Maureen said, she was displeased but didn't say anything and quietly exited the kitchen.

As soon as she left the kitchen she saw Nessa holding a pair of giant scissors while standing in front of a few pots of flowers that looked battered as they were pruned harshly and without care.

"What have you done!"

Khloe let out a pained cry.

Those pots of flowers were imported by Francis for her and she had spent a lot of time and effort growing them, she placed them in the house for her parents to admire her handiwork. Yet Nessa pruned them harshly as if they weren't dying fast on their own.

"I pruned them, now they'll definitely grow better" Nessa replied with a smile as if proud of her "work of art"

She watched the damaged flowers *how relieving* she thought, she couldn't pour out her frustrations on Khloe but she can do that on her plants and feel refreshed.


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