

Khloe walked up to her delicate flowers and felt like they were taking their last breath. The more she looked at it the madder she became. She really wanted to wipe off that smug smile of Nessa's face or just chop of her head with the scissors.

"What's the matter"

Maureen rushed to the girls when she heard khloe's cries. Almost instantly, Nessa's eyes turned teary.

"Mom, I saw these plants getting a bit wild so I helped prune them. I'm sure they will grow better is trimmed but Khloe is blaming me for it."

" Do you know how much effort I put into growing these pots of flowers? They just started to bloom but look what you did! "

Khloe was fuming.

" Mom, I-I was just trying to help. I didn't know I was going to ruin it" Nessa looked aggrieved and pitiful.

Maureen couldn't stand the sight and hurriedly consoled her daughter" it's alright, not everyone is green thumbed you know. The plants are still alive so they'll grow right back looking healthy and beautiful, so don't fret alright. "

" Khloe you know Nessa was just being thoughtful. She isn't skilled in caring for plants like you. She thought to help the plants grow better by pruning, so don't blame it on her, alright? "

Nessa kept repeating the same words "I was trying to help them grow better by pruning, I didn't deliberately try to kill them."

Watching the 'pitiful' Nessa, Maureen pulled out a tissue and handed it to Nessa while continuously coaxing her " Don't worry dear, your sister won't hold it against you.Moms almost done cooking, I've made soup. Make sure to to drink lots of it, it will help with your recovery. "

Nessa's mission was to let her parents know who Khloe is behind that ever so "'loving' and 'gentle' mask, she wants to prevent her past from happening again.

Not only that, but Nessa wants to destroy everything Khloe cared about even in the slightest, as long as it means something to Khloe then it must be destroyed! (That is, except for her family)

No one knew these flowers were gifts to Khloe from Francis except Vanessa who fortunately for her and unfortunately for them was reborn with key Intel from her past life.

Unable to hold herself back after watching her plants get battered, Khloe whined "mom! I've spent a lot growing these flowers. She can't just damage them like this!"

" Are these flowers worth more than your sister to you? Nessa already apologized, it's not like she did it deliberately. All she wanted to do was to help the flowers grow better! She isn't like you who grew up by my side receiving the best of everything and knowing everything. The flowers aren't dead so why fight with your sister? She's still weak and recovery yet she wanted to help you trim your flowers and just because she didn't do it perfectly you want to fight with her?! "

Khloe swallowed her complaints when she noticed Maureen's face dark from displeasure.

"How about I get you some new flowers from the flower market tomorrow?"

Nessa suggested pitifully, acting like a repentant child trying to right a wrong. This made Khloe mad with anger. Could cheap flowers from the flower market be compared to the imported flowers given to her by Francis? Never!

"It's alright, you don't need to go to the flower market. Just ask before you do any thing next time cause sometimes what you think is helpful, isn't."

Though boiling with rage, she manage to keep her calm. It would be bad for her if Maureen feels like she's bullying Vanessa after all in her eyes it was just a few pots of flowers and nothing more. Although adopted she still bore the identity of the elder miss of the Lawson family.

"It's all good, Nessa dear. Don't be upset now, alright? It's all sorted. If you enjoy trimming plants, I'll order a truckload of flowers just for you!"

Nessa smiled sweetly when she heard what her mother said. " Thanks mom, you're the best. I love you mom! "

Nessa's smile was so sweet it moved Maureen, and when she heard her daughters 'i love you' her heart melted into a puddle.

"Silly girl, you're my daughter. Who else deserves my love if not you? Oh my, my soup!"

Maureen let out a cry as she rushed to the kitchen to check on her dish.

At this time, Adam entered the living room and saw his wife running to the kitchen in a rush, then her took of his coat while asking "what's wrong with your mother?"

"Welcome home Dad"

Khloe was just about to place the scissors down and go towards him but Nessa was faster as she was already before him to welcome him home.

"Let me take your jacket for you Dad" Thoughtfully, Nessa took the jacket from Charles hands and answered his earlier question with a smile. "Mom was talking to us and forgot that she's still cooking. You're just in time for the meal"

Her gesture threw him off guard a bit because this biological daughter of his wasn't close to him or his wife after she returned for more than a year. Whenever they met, she would only greet at most and wouldn't do anything else but today, she welcomed him with a smile and even attentively took his jacket from him.

However, he did notice the bandages around her head was gone, so he hurriedly stopped her and held her hand. Then he asked in concern with furrowed brows, "Vanessa, where are your bandages? Didn't the doctor say to keep it on till after a week?"

Before she could answer, Khloe butted in. " Dad, Nessa took it off herself. She even left the house early this morning and had mom worried as we weren't informed"

The look on Charles face fell and he immediately dropped her hand and scolded with a stern face ." Vanessa Lawson, you don't have to care about us if you don't want to. How could you not care for yourself? Your mother has been worried sick ever since the incident yet you couldn't even be bothered about her health. You left the house to who knows where without informing anyone with your condition, it's already a miracle you survived! "

" I'm sorry Dad, I-"

Khloe didn't let her finish as she continued "I saw her come home in Master Leonardo's car, he didn't come in but threw her out close to the gate. Who knows what she said to anger him after all she rejected his proposal yet she went to see him. We all know how he is, this may just be a warning but who knows? "

At that moment, Charles thought his own daughter had offended Leonardo, which would bring calamity to his company, Lawson corporation. Who brings a lady home but not dropping her at her house but on the street and the word here is 'threw'. She has to apologize and receive forgiveness. Only then could his company be saved. Though Leonardo is a mighty business man, he could be extremely petty at times and his daughter had rejected his proposal yet still gone to look for him, there's no telling how he would react to this!

"Did you go to look for Leonardo? Answer me honestly! '

"Yes father, but-"

"Vanessa Lawson, we let you make your own decisions concerning the proposal and you rejected it disrespectfully, you refused to marry him and said some embarrassing things to him. What business do you have with him to go looking for him just days after you turned down his proposal? How could you actually go to him? Did you cause a scene? Was he offended by your presence? "

Right now Khloe watched the scene unfolding before her in Glee. After all, Vanessa had feigned kindness and trimmed the flowers she painstakingly nurtured to such a state. Maureen was biased but Charles was concerned about the future of Lawson corporation.

When Nessa saw the gloating look on khloe's face, she didn't bother to explain the situation to her father and wore a repentant expression and said to Charles, "Dad it's my fault, I should have been more respectful when rejecting the Quinns proposal and I should apologize to master Leonardo. Please let Khloe come with me to the Quinns"

Just as Khloe was about to shoot it down the idea, Charles instructed her "Khloe, go with your sister to the Quinns. You've been sensible so try put in some good words for your sister, even if we can't be related by marriage. We shouldn't be enemies either. Make sure to apologize to master Leonardo. "


AUTHOR: I update daily, be sure to comment (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ

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