
Intense morning.

Anastasia POV:

I forced my heavy eyelids to open and when I did, I was forced to close them again due to the bright sunlight that was coming from the front glass wall. "That's bright." I murmured in a half sleepy voice.

"I know right." A deep and husky voice came from beside me. I nodded in affirmation at first however, when I realized who this voice belonged to, I jolted up and turned to look at him.

He was supporting his head on the hand while when my eyes travelled down to his naked honey colored perfect body, I gulped hard. He was wearing just boxers.

"You like what you see." He taunted. I cleared my throat and looked away, slightly embarrassed while my cheeks also started burning.

"Why am I here?" I looked around in his room. It was a perfectly organized and utterly clean room. "What did you do to me?" I looked at my clothes. They were intact exactly in the way I was wearing them last night. But it was his nakedness which was making me conscious.

"What do you think happened?"
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