
chapter thirty-nine


“Aaargh!” Otavia groaned and clutched his legs. Blood pumped out of his right leg and he clenched his teeth hard.

Chief Alegra was still pointing the gun at him but this time at his forehead. He sneered and took a step close to Ottavia. “You dare take my wife in right under my nose...Tell me why I shouldn’t end your life this instant and do the same to that bastard of yours!”

“Kill me! do to me anything but don’t harm my child. He is only but an innocent child...please...I beg of you...”

Every vein in chief Alegra’s face popped up violently as he stood, almost at his breaking point, struggling to stop himself from pulling the trigger even though his whole self yearned to see the traitor before him fall to the ground dead as he heard him beg for the life of the boy he bore through betrayal.

He grinned wickedly as an idea hit him. “I can’t let you die easily... traitors like you deserve a slow painful death...”

“Treat him his wounds and torture him until I say otherwise...”
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