

Bailey's pov

His fingers on my skin felt like scorching fire, it burned and branded my flesh in its wake. I could feel the beading of goosebumps raise on my skin and the thin hairs behind my neck rise as his hot breath fanned against my face.

It's taking everything in me to not clench my thighs together. That would alert him that I was enjoying this....which I was, I was fucking enjoying this.

I shivered, swallowing as I try to get my wits together. As his lips near the corner of my mouth, I twist my head away. He stopped, but his hands stayed under my skirt.

" Get away from me Sam or so help me I will scream the roof down." I warned, my throat feeling tight as I lied.

I just needed him a bit out of my personal space so I can think. With him so close it was so incredibly hard to focus.

His head drop on my shoulder and he sighed, sounding defeated. " What can I do to make you talk to me flower?"

I swallowed, trying to not shiver from his hot breath now touching my neck. " I'm sp
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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
pretty panda
love this story <3 glad that Kaleb doesn't give up and makes a move on her. hope he won't switch his attention to Juliet.
goodnovel comment avatar
you want her to accept a boy right away who has a reputation of sleeping around?
goodnovel comment avatar
Kasey N Adam Swearengin
Thank you for the updates!!

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