
Chapter 4

Gwen's POV

The next day, I was cleaning up and arranging the room when I heard Andrew suddenly yell at me.

"Don't fucking touch my stuffs without my permission first." Andrew's voice was loud and distant making me wonder maybe he wasn't the one all over me last night.

Yes, Andrew and I had a great, passionate night. It was okay with me because he was maybe a jerk but he was a handsome man, too. I’ll take it as a one-night stand. Besides, I’m his wife.

"Why do you always act so cold?" I asked.

He looked up at me from what he was doing on his laptop but said nothing, instead he stood up from the bed and decided to walk away.

"You always treat me like I meant nothing to you" I said feeling hurt in my heart, "I'm your wife so I deserve better."

He paused then turned to answer me. "Wife?" He asked me as if it's a strange word to him but when I didn't reply he continued, "you must be really dumb if you haven't noticed we are only married on paper."

I could hear the scorn clearly in his tone but I choose to ignore

"What about all those moments we share together? What about last night?"

"What moments?" He scoffed. "People hop into bed all the time sweetheart."

He said the last word with a puppy face then walked away.

I almost laughed at how casual he said it. I knew he wanted to hurt me with his words but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

I heard his phone binged from a W******p message and on checking it out, the content of the message popped up from the locked screen making my heart race even faster.

'We need to see' was the message that popped on the screen. I was still holding the phone when it rang and it was the same number that had send the message earlier on W******p.

Andrew breezed in and immediately snatched his phone away from my hands, casting me an evil glare.

"What do you want?" Andrew said, walking away from the room and I couldn't help but wonder who the caller was. I can't seem to filter away the bad feeling I was having since I had seen the message popped on his phone.


Andrew's POV

"We can't be having this conversation. You very well know that's impossible." I said with a stern voice to the caller.

"And why is it not possible?" The voice asked over the phone.

"You fucking know why we can't be together Elena, not anymore." I said trying to stop myself from yelling.

"No, I don't. Make me know." Elena persisted, her voice breaking but I was still able to hear her clearly.

"Damn it! What the hell is wrong with you? I'm married." I yelled over the phone, unable to keep my voice low any longer.

I wondered why Elena wasn't trying to see things from my angle, I was trying to make her see reasons why we can't be together anymore but it seems she was hellbent on getting on my nerves that afternoon.

"I don't care maybe you are married", Elena cut into my thoughts, "What I want you know I'd surely get it"

I scoffed after hearing her say that, I knew Elena meant what she said, she was the only girl I had a soft spot for all the years I've been with a woman. Others I just see them as a thing of pleasure and nothing more.

"There's nothing that could happen between us anymore", I said my voice rising a bit, " You should know that when you are fucking Jim."

"Damn you Andrew!", Elena cursed me angrily, "I never had anything to do with Jim, it was just to spite you"

"Spite me?"

"Yes", Elena replied and I remained silent for a while. Why would she even want to spite me? I couldn't make any sense of what she was saying.

"Why would you even want to spite me in the first place?". I finally asked, not believing her.

"Because you were always traveling", Elena said then paused, "you were always traveling with your damn secretary"

"You know very well I had nothing to do with Alice, it was just strictly business between us" I said, my voice kicking a note.

"I don't believe that, she's too hot for you to pass over", Elena stated flatly.

"So that was the reason you cheated on me with Jim?" I quizzed.

"Jim was never part of the equation, he was just a means to an end"

"A means to an end? What end are you talking about?" Now I couldn't even understand what she was talking about.

"You know what I'm talking about, Jim was just to make you jealous. You are the one I was and still in love with." Elena's voice boomed and I remained silent for a while. I always knew Elena as crazy and dramatic but I didn't know she was this crazy. I found it hard to believe she cheated on me with Jim just because I was close to my secretary. No! I reasoned there must be more to it other than that and I was ready to find out, I had to. A part of me still feels something for Elena and I hated to admit that.

"I don't have all the time in the world to wait for your reply." Elena's voice brought me back from my train of thoughts.

"Let's meet at 'De-la-cuisine' tomorrow by 5pm", I said and was about dropping the call when Elena's voice stopped me

"No! Make it today"

"I have today planned out already. You can't just..." I was saying but Elena cut me off.

"Well then, I guess I'd meet you in your office tomorrow"

Damn! Not my office.

"Okay, let's meet at 'De-la-cuisine' by 5pm", I quickly agreed, not wanting Elena to come over to my place of work.

The next few hours had me thinking how best I could react when I finally meet Elena once again, she was the only girl I ever felt something for, others were just to sate my sexual cravings, although I tried as much as possible not to show it too much so it couldn't get to her head back then.

Now I was sitting at 'De-la-cuisine' waiting for Elena to show up. I glanced at my expensive Patek Philippe wristwatch for the umpteenth time and I was beginning to get annoyed sitting idly at the table with a bottle of whiskey in front of me.

Just as I was about dialing her number on my phone I saw her walk right in through the door, looking around probably trying to locate me. Elena was dressed in a knee-length gown that had all her curvy shape out. She walked graciously towards me as I waved to get her attention and I could see most of the young men gawking at her like they should devour her right there. Elena had always had that effect on men so she didn't find that odd or embarrassing.

"Hi handsome", Elena greeted me smiling at me as she took the last stride taking a seat beside me.

"What's this about?" I asked impatiently.

"What do you mean?" She feigned ignorance, answering with a question of her own.

"This meeting!" I said, exasperated.

"We are just getting here", Elena said with a smile and added, "why don't you have something to drink to calm you"

"I had something to drink already, I don't have all day so cut to the chase", I said trying to control my anger. I couldn't deny she still had that effect on me even after all the time we had been apart.

Elena rolled her eyes, "If that's what you want then I guess I will just go ahead."

I waited for her to say whatever it is she wanted to say but she remained silent. Silent for longer than necessary that I was beginning to doubt maybe she'd still have anything to say.

"I want us to go back to how we used to be", Elena grabbed my hands, her lips curved in a smile and that left me dumbfounded.

She knew perfectly how to get me and she's using that chance perfectly. Elena reached for my hands and squeezed them.

"You know the answer to that...", I was saying but Elena cut me off diving for my lips but I turned at the last second making her lips brush against my cheeks.

I heard Elena sighed exasperatedly, she had a plain look on her face and even as smart as I am, I couldn't figure out what was going on in her head. I stood up to take my leave but her next statement came to me as a shock.

"We would see just how loyal and faithful she can be." Elena said and stood up immediately, leaving me confused more than ever.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Mary Jane
lol .........
goodnovel comment avatar
Jané Ocean
Slap that moron Gwen...

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