
Chapter 5

Gwen's POV

I woke up to my head banging hard and my eyes feeling dizzy. I was feeling completely unaware of my surroundings and couldn't even remember when I went to sleep. I picked up my phone to check the time and was surprised to see missed calls from Andrew.

I wondered how that could be, considering I was a light sleeper and would normally wake up even hearing the faintest sounds.

I yawned and got up from the bed then strolled towards the bathroom to quickly rinse my face and help lessen the pangs of headache that wanted to burst my head open. I then moved to get a bottle of water from the living room as my throat felt parched.

The whole house looked completely quiet and empty save from the occasional sound coming from the TV. I wondered where everyone went and briefly relaxed when I remembered I was the one that sent Veronica, the maid on an errand and Andrew had stepped out earlier talking about meeting a client. I made a mental note to warn Veronica to always turn off the TV before going out.

I reached for my phone and was about to dial Andrew's number when the door pushed open and he walked in, staring at me expressionlessly.

I smiled, moving closer to him but he held up his hands and I immediately halted in my steps.

"Is there something wrong?" I questioned while holding his gaze.

Andrew looked at me as if I'm some sort of filth, I couldn't understand what had happened that dampened his mood from wherever he was coming from.

"You know you can always talk to me." I tried to assure him but he only gave me the silent treatment I was now used to.

I decided to give him some space, probably he needs some time to himself but just as I was about walking off, he called me back and tossed his phone on the table sliding it to the other side where I stood.

"What the hell is this?" Andrew asked in a deep throaty voice and I slightly trembled at how he sounded at me. He had never used that tone when talking to me before so I knew whatever was on the phone must be something that really mattered to him. Something that must have really hurt him.

I gently picked up the phone and what I saw there really shook me to the core, I shook my head vehemently hoping this was just some thoughts creeping into my mind, I even pinched myself to wake up from the scene if it was to be some bad dream but this is a reality.

"No, this doesn't make any sense" My voice came out croaky.

"This must have been photoshopped. Where did you get this?" I asked Andrew as I couldn't make any sense of what I was seeing in the picture.

"I guess Photoshop also has your exact type of robe…. and…" Andrew's voice trailed off a bit, his eyes were fiery like a raging fire.

"And your rough hair in the picture is also a perfect work of Photoshop." Andrew added sarcastically.

I was utterly confused, I knew whoever did this had me exactly where they wanted but what I didn't understand is who wants me out of Andrew's life.

I looked at the picture again, the man on top of me was lying completely naked in the position where he had his back to the camera so his face was turned away from it, I was the perfect scapegoat because my face clearly shows in the picture and my robe was raised almost to my stomach level and my eyes were closed which would make anyone who sees the picture think I was completely enjoying whatever the man was doing to me.

I was stunned, I didn't understand any of it, and to think it even happened in the master bedroom is a complete mystery to me.

"I don't remember any of this, I don't even know the man in the picture." My voice came out hoarse, my migraine fully taking over.

"Oh, he f**ked you so good. Fucked you so good you didn't even know he had an hidden camera." Andrew thundered, his hands shook as he spoke and I knew he was tempted to hit me but he calmed himself. He looked at me one last time before walking off to the master bedroom.

I sank into the sofa tiredly, I couldn't even process my own thoughts. I tried to assure myself that everything would be fine but deep down, I knew that was just some futile thoughts. I made to go into the master bedroom to go talk to Andrew but he beat me to it as he was out before I even took a step.

"Andrew, you need to listen to me." I tried to touch him but he cut me off angrily.

"Don't, don't you dare touch me, you can have all the fun you want but not in my house." Andrew said, stepping back so I couldn't touch him. His words pierced my heart more than a dagger could. Hearing that from someone I cared about drove a wedge in my heart. It was clear he never felt anything for me as I do to him and that alone is a realization that sent a chill go my heart.

"Andrew, someone must want me out of your life, don't you get it?." I queried, trying for him to see reason with me but he seems nonchalant about it.

"I don't care, not anymore." Andrew growled, "And for your information, you cease to be my wife from today."

I blinked fast. " No, you can't do that, are you that dumb to think I'd bring a man into our matrimonial home?."

"Yes I can, and I will do much more if you don't leave this minute." Andrew threatened, he only answered the first part of the sentence. I could see from his fiery eyes he meant every word.

"This is exactly what they want. Don't give them this chance to destroy what we had."

"Read my lips you bitch." Andrew said to me then paused to catch his breath, "if you don't leave this instant I'd upload this picture all over the internet."

I saw he meant it and knew there was nothing I could do for him to reason with me anymore, he must completely hate me now.

"And don't ever come back here, or I expose you to the whole world for who you really are." Andrew added and stormed off.

There and then, I knew I had to leave, I knew there's no way I could change Andrew's heart. I had to start life afresh, far away from here and everything that would remind me of Andrew.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Mary Jane
don't make a rash decision Gwen

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