
Chapter Eight

“Was that my uncle?” Lily asked the moment I dropped the call, I nodded.

“Ohhh, he must have heard. Is he mad” she asked

“Sure he is, but you don’t have to worry” I assured her with a smile

Only if I could tell her that anger is better that the state of mind her uncle is. Has he always been like this? Why would he think of the dumbest thing? Feeding a six year old alcohol? Sexualizing her? Did he really think of me as a pedophile?

The more I thought of it, the more anger I felt

pumping up my chest, his accusations was not just disgusting but worse than any I’ve been subjected to before. My mom and her good for nothing boyfriend, the perverts at the club and the disgusting old fools that has insulted me whenever they couldn’t get what they wanted, all there harsh words and accusa was directly on me. Words like prostitute, whore, slut, twart, had always been said to me, but this was different, Edward had accused me of sexualalizing a child. All because I worked in a club or is it because I almost had a one night stand with him? Who doesn’t do one night stands once in a while?

We boarded a taxi and headed straight to the mansion only to meet more than a dozen men all over the street. Their black suits and broad appearance made them scary plus they were stopping every vehicle.

Confused and scared, I pulled Lily to my chest protectively right before they reached our taxi.

“They won’t hurt us Katherine” Lily said with an amused tone making me wonder what was funny

“You don’t know that. Look if they try to take us you have to run you okay” i said filled with worry

“What? That would annoy uncle the more” she said

“We will handle your uncle later, for now just listen to me. Once I say run you have to run as fast as you can till you get home” I instructed.

It’s my fault she’s here, outside of her family’s mansion and out here in God knows kind of danger, so I have to protect even if I die in the process. I took off my shoes and held it out the moment the men knocked on our window . Ready to defend us, yeah might not be the best weapon but I wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

“Stay away!” I yelled, my shoe held out to their faces

“Miss Katherine?” He said suprised

How the hell did he know my name?

“Relax Katherine, they’re uncles body guards” Lily said as she bursts into laughter

“Body guards?” I muttered to myself

“We’ve been searching for you both, Mr Edward demands…” one of the guards explained

Wait. Edward had this troupe out because I went outside with his niece. I was short of words, with no idea of what to make of this. We were ushered out of the taxi to a black van and then driven back to the mansion.

It was hard to read the facial expressions of the men. They acted in a professional way which made it hard for me to figure out if I was in danger or they were just doing their jobs. The way they kept watch everywhere in the house as if they were watching my every move.

I tried to call Edward but was unable to reach his phone. Hissing out in frustration I dialed Kara’s number and as always she picks up at the first ring.

“Hey kath” she cooed mischievously

“What’s up kara?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows dramatically like she could see me

“What?” She asked giggling

“Why do you sound like……. I don’t know, you’re sounding like you’re up to something”

“I’m perfectly fine kath, what are you talking about?” She said. She was definitely up to something.

“Kara.” I warned

“Shh… stop it” I heard whispering slowly.

“Hold on. Was that Carlos?” I asked with wide eyes, my best friend was getting banged while talking on the phone. I couldn’t help the grin that appeared on my face at the realization.

“Hey there Katherine, she’s okay here with me”

“Ohhhh, so I guess you guys are too busy to be disturbed at the moment” i said amusingly

“Ohhhhhj” Kara exclaimed, probably dying from embarrassment.

“Alright Kara, have some hottttt fun” i stressed the last words on purpose. The call ended immediately and I burst into laughter.well at least she’s having sex, unlike a sexually frustrated me being accused of abusing a child.

Fo a moment I forgot Edwards hurtful words, but now they’re back, echoing in my head.

“You look happy” I heard Lilly’s tiny voice beside me

“You could say that” I responded. I picked her up, sat her on the kitchen cabinet and smiled at her.

“Do you want water?” I asked walking to the dispenser to get myself a drink.

“Yes please” her answer shocked me to a pause.

“Lily, did you just say please?” I asked smiling

“Uhhhm, I’m really sorry for being rude to you at first, I just didn’t want Shasha to bully me anymore” she said with a sad look on her pretty face. she’s too smart for her age

“Hey it’s okay darling, I completely understand you okay” I reassured her.

“Thank you Katherine” she said before downing the glass of water.

“I'm sorry for getting you in trouble”

“Lily, what do you mean trouble?” I asked staring into her eyes

“I know uncle is mad”

“Yes he is, but it’s not your fault, I will talk to him so you don’t have to worry”

“Okay” she answered

“Now what does the princess want to eat?”

“Can I have cookies?” She asked, giving the cutest puppy face I’ve ever seen.

“Cookies is it then” I said with a broad smile.

I began opening the cupboards in search of flour and other ingredients needed. I gathered the needed utensils with the help of Lily and soon it was time to put my hours of watching food blogs to good use. I sighed loudly remembering I left the mixing bowl at the other end of the kitchen, I stared straight at Lily contemplating on whether to ask her to get it or drag my lazy ass to do it myself.

“Oh no please don’t!” She almost screamed looking at me

“What?” I asked surprised

“I know you wanna send me away, don’t. I won’t cause trouble, I promise” she pleaded almost in one breath

“Oh no Lily, I wasn’t going to send you out” I said laughing at how worked up she looked

“Mind getting me that bowl over there?” I asked

“Of course not” she said running off to get it

“You know what Lily?” I asked

“You changed your mind and you’re going to kick me out of here?”

“My gosh Lily, you’re so dramatic” I said laughing

“What?” She said looking at me defensively

“I was thinking we could do this together”


“Yea. We’ll mix the dough separately though, and maybe you’ll learn to make your own cookies”

“Yay!” She screamed happily

“But…..” I paused to get her attention

“You have to promise not to attempt anything on your own later” i warned her with a serious face

“I promise”

“Good, now let’s start”

I’m pretty sure there would be a mixer in here but I prefer kneading, don’t ask me why because I don’t know myself. I measured the right quantities of the ingredients, mixed them before taking a tiny amount of it into a small bowl.

“Here, just follow my lead,” I said , handing over the bowl to her.


This has to be my best cooking experience so far, cooking with Lily was fun, exciting and memorable. I had so much fun that I was beginning to wish I could have her to myself. She helped me take my mind off all the tragedies in my life and I couldn’t be more grateful. We were both covered in flour by the time we were done. I gently placed the cookies in the oven and turned to her.

“It’s time to wash”

“How long is it going to take?” She asked, her enthusiasm high as it’s been in the last hour

“We will check back in 10 mins”

“You’re so cool Katherine!” She said instead

“You’re saying that a lot today” i teased

“Because you are, I never thought you’d be this cool”

“Well you should never judge people without giving them a chance from now on”

“Yes ma’am,……. I don’t want you to go when uncle Edward comes back” she suddenly said in the middle of washing

“Uhhm…. I really would like to stay but your uncle is never going to allow that” i explained, remembering the look on his face when I got here earlier today plus his opinions of me.

“Why?” She asked sadly

“Well maybe because you didn’t want me?” I smiled at her

“But now I do, you’re cool, and you don’t treat me like I’m three!”

“You’re so funny”

“I’m serious Katherine, you took me outside, let me play alone and now you allowed me to cook with you. All other Nannie’s won’t let me do any of that”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, it’s always Lily, would you like to bathe now, breakfast is ready, go to sleep, stay up, do your homework….. uhhhh, some even wanted to bath me” she said with wide eyes

“You’re so dramatic Lily and I love that” I said amidst laughter

I was washing and passing the plates to Lily to rinse off, I was passing the last piece to her when the kitchen door suddenly swung open revealing an angry looking Edward.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He yelled.

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