


The test was relatively easy. I had expected it to be much harder, but it wasn’t so bad. Maybe I had a knack for the Greek stuff. It was interesting and I was enjoying the class, and not just because the teacher was hot. It was actually very intriguing stuff. I had been reading up on the subject, far more than I was asked to.

I would start reading one story and then there would be a link to another story and before I knew it, I had spent hours reading about the Greeks. I had a lot of questions and was hoping to have lunch with Leila to talk about a few of those questions.

I quickly finished the short paragraph answer and then reviewed the entire test. It looked good. I was convinced I was going to get an A. How could I not? Feeling confident, I got up and made my way to her desk.

“Hi,” I said, keeping my voice very low.

“Finished?” she asked in a cold tone, barely looking at me.

“I am. I think I did pretty well.”

“Good. I’ll have the tests graded before tomorrow’s class. T
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