
The Case of Ms. Q (Part 3)


My heartbeat quickened at what I heard. My clammy hands felt like frozen from the chilling wind. I tried to find in my memory if I have encountered this man before, but all I drew was a blank sheet.

He knew me. How did that happen?

As far as I know, I have been here in the academia for less than a year, so, it’s very impossible for me to know the boss he’s referring. Whoever that boss was, I'll make sure that we'll end him.

"Who ordered you?" Dave asked.

The man laughed again. He seemed to be mocking us. "Soon, you will meet him. Don't be too excited, Dave," he leered.

I badly want to wipe off that smirk on his filthy face.

"You still don't want to suffer, do you?" he added.

"What?" Dave snapped at him.

While they were busy talking, I slowly approached where the

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