
Chapter 05— An argument with him. 


My mind has gone completely blank. I couldn't think of anything!

I came with Julian to the hospital.

No, I would like to correct the sentence—Julian dragged me with him to the hospital.

I can't believe my eyes right now! There was a girl who looked like me—my doppelganger.

She got shot and injured very badly. A lot of things happened at the accident scene within one minute!

My heart is still beating fast as I remember that incident.

My doppelganger looked into my eyes before closing her eyes. 

She shared an electric look with me. 

My heart ached with pain when she shared that look. 

I felt like I got shot instead of her. She is a stranger, and I have no relation to her, but I felt a wave of emotion wash over me as I looked at her. 

It was like I was experiencing her pain as my own. I couldn't bear to see her like that

I let a sigh out and rolled my eyes when Julian's voice echoed in my ears. 

He was giving orders to the doctor to take good care of Victoria!

It was clear that Julian was a man of great power and influence. 

He had booked the entire VIP floor of the hospital and had gathered all the specialist doctors in the city to help save her.

I watched in amazement as the doctors listened to him and did everything they could to save her life. 

It was like he had them in the palm of his hand.

I looked at each doctor, and all of them had cancelled their appointments to help Julian.

     "Protect her at any cost!" Julian showed his finger, and a groan escaped from his mouth as he looked at another doctor. 

     "You need to save her, doctor!" He looked at the random doctor who looked old, and I guessed he was the head of the group! 

      "Do not worry, Mr. Knight!"

   "The doctors standing here are experts in their field. We have neurosurgeons, cardiologists, and oncologists!" The head said everything in one breath while pointing at his juniors.

     "Please save her!" Julian sounded low. 

     "Guys, move on!" The doctor and nurse started running inside the ICU.

Julian leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, and placed his hands inside his pocket. 

He was wearing a white full-sleeve shirt, which was now red with blood stains. Victoria and Julian must be lovers! He picked her up in his arms and ran like a crazy man towards the hospital to save her.

My body shivered as soon as the phone beeped inside my pocket, giving a vibration to my body through my clothed skin. 

I pulled my phone out when Justin's name popped up on the screen. 

I swiped the green colour icon and received the call.


    "Where are you?" He inquired but sounded low.

    "I am at the hospital."

     "What?" He screamed before asking another question: "Why are you in the hospital?

    "What happened?"

    "Are you OK?" He screamed at the top of his lungs, and there was concern in his voice about me.

    "I am!" Before I could complete my sentences, I felt a jerk around my hand.

Julian snatched my phone while grabbing it in his hand.

     "What are you doing?" I looked at him with wide eyes.

    "Merry, are you there?" Justin's voice came out of my phone, and I was sharing a look with Julian.

     "Who are you?" He gritted his teeth while taking a single step close to me.

    "Give me my phone!" My brain ignored his question, and my hand extended towards the phone to take it from his hand.

     "What?" My eyes widened as soon as he smacked my phone against the ground, breaking it into parts.

      "What did you do?" My blood boiled in rage when I slapped him on the chest with my hand.

    "I asked, " Who are you?" He grabbed both of my hands in his palm while pinning me against the wall, caging me in his arms.

I closed my eyes for a second as soon as I felt pain behind my back before sharing a look with Julian.

      "How do you look like Victoria from head to toe?" He stepped close while reducing the gap between us when his flat abs touched against my chest.

     "Even so, I don't know about that!" I screamed at him back while looking straight into his eyes.

How could he question me like a culprit?

     "Don't act like an innocent!" He showed me his finger while looking into my eyes with piercing eyes.

    "Why did you approach me?"

    "Who shot Victoria?” His eyes darkened like a devil.

    "How would I know that?" A groan escaped from my mouth.

     "Then how did you say that an accident was going to happen at the crime scene?" He gritted his teeth and said it while making me remember my words.

     "It was!" I shut my mouth as soon as the flashback started running in front of me.

Wait a second!

It means the female character in my dream was not me; it was Victoria.

She was about to be involved in the accident and die at the crime scene.

But now, she is alive.

I blinked my eyes when reality hit my head.

In my dream, Victoria and Julian had a car accident.

But in reality, someone shot Victoria.

The sequence has completely changed.

How could it happen? 

    "Tell me, damnit!" He screamed at the top of his lungs while making me shiver under his strong presence and husky voice.

He is hell close to me—I could feel the heat passing to my vagina through his parted legs.

His warm breaths are touching my forehead.

His lips are just an inch away from mine.

His nose turned red as the anger rolled inside his body.

He was looking so arrogant right now, yet he was still looking very handsome.

My words are stuck in my throat.

I wanted to push him back, but goddamnit, this man hypothesised me in his strong presence.

     "Open your damn mouth!" He gritted his teeth and tightened his grip around my shoulder when a groan escaped from my mouth.

    "Ouch, it hurts!" I looked into his eyes, and his eyes started turning soft upon my comment.

    "Tell me the truth!" He loosened the grip around my shoulder.

    "I am asking you for the last time—how Victoria got shot as soon as you approached me!"

    "I don't know what happened to Victoria, but I had a reason to approach you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while losing my patience.

   "What is the reason?" He asked me.

    "Will you trust my words?" I asked him back.

    "Don't dare to divert the subject!" He leaned down close to my face.

   "I had a dream about the accident!" I replied in short.

   "What?" He rolled his eyes.

    "I can see the future through dreams!”

He seems to have decided to shut his mouth.

    "Last night, I had a dream that you and I had met in a car accident, and I died at the crime scene itself!" 

     "But now I understand that the female character who was in my dream is not me but Victoria!" I said everything in one breath while moving his hand with a single word.

     "So, I wanted to avoid the accident when I saw you in the street." I showed my finger while pointing at him.

     "I wanted to run from my fate, but my heart refused to leave you alone!”

    "You were also going to have an accident with Victoria, but I interrupted the scene and approached you!" I said this while analysing the incident in my mind.

Yes, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

I tried to stop the accident, but I ignored the reality, and Victoria only got shot because of my interruption with Julian.

I looked at Julian, but I didn't get any response from him.

     "This is the truth!" I sighed when he nodded his head and turned back.

He stroked his hair with his fingers and extended his hand while pulling the gun from one of the guards before turning to me.

What the hell is he doing right now?

Before I could react to anything, he pushed me into his arms while wrapping his hand around my waist and pinning me against his chiselled chest.

My eyes widened as soon as the gun landed on my forehead—my body shivered with the arousal of the gun layer.

    "Have you seen the crime scene in your dream?" He laughed like the devil for five seconds before clicking his tongue and looking at me in anger.

He tightened the gun grip around my forehead while making me close my eyes.

    "You think of me as an idiot?" His voice echoed around the place, and goosebumps took over my body.

     "I'm telling you the truth!" I opened my eyes and looked into his eyes.

     "Shut your fucking mouth!" He touched the trigger while scaring me.

    "Boss!" The guards sounded, but no one dared to take a step close to us.

There was fear in the guard's eyes—they wanted to push Julian away from me, but they were so scared to move.

On the other hand, I tried to calm myself—I could understand him.

No one could believe my sh*t about dreams and the future.

    "Who is your boss?" He inquired, and I decided to shut my mouth—what would I even reply to him?

There is no boss, and I am innocent.

     "Open your mouth and don't test my patience!" 

    "Tell me the truth, or I'll kill you!" 

My blood boiled in rage as soon as he threatened to kill me.

How could he warn me to kill me?

     "Tell me, who is your boss?" 

    "Don't you understand? I have no part in your crime."

      "I thought I was going to die with you, so I wanted to pull you out!"

    "But it turned out that girl, Victoria, was the victim!" I stroked my hair with my fingers while taking rapid breaths.

     "You want me to believe—you saw the crime scene in your dream?" He gritted his teeth and moved the gun in front of me.

    "Yes!" I screamed.

    "How can anyone see the future through their dreams?"

    "We are not in a fictional world but in the real world, and there is no such superpower!" He frowned, unable to believe my power.

     "I don't have the answer to your question!"I shrugged my shoulder 

      "I questioned myself many times about my ability, but I never found the answer!" I closed my eyes; however, I heard the gunshot.

Everything is dark in front of me.

To be continued.

Aprajita Singh

Merry and Julian meet began with a misunderstanding - where will their journey take them next?

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