
Chapter 06— Justin came back.


     "I don't have the answer to your question!"

      "I questioned myself many times about my ability, but I never found the answer!" I closed my eyes; however, I heard the gunshot.

Everything became dark in front of me.

I couldn't see anything but felt my heart start beating so fast and pounding in my ears.

     "I AM ALIVE!" I yelled inside my mind when I felt no harm.

     "What the hell happened?"

I opened my eyes and looked at Julian—he raised his hand and shot in the air.

For a second, I thought he shot me.

     "You are testing my patience, girl!"

   "I am not a person who gives a chance to anyone to speak!"

    "But I gave you the opportunity to speak, and you are misusing it!" I closed my eyes as soon as he placed the gun on my forehead.

     "I didn't bring you with me to talk sh*t about the future and ability, but tell me the truth!" 

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

I clenched my fist while losing my patience.

The heat poured into my cheek making every nerve inside my body boil in rage.

Enough is enough, I am not going to sit while shutting my mouth.

    "I am not afraid of such a toy!” I said while looking at the gun around my forehead and taking a step close to him.

    "You want me to kill, then kill me!" I pushed the gun against my skin.

He can't treat me as the culprit!

     "You got some guts!" He scoffed while grabbing the trigger with his finger.

    "I saved your life, Mister!" I scoffed back at him

      "You have no option but to trust me!" I moved one more step closer to him, making the distance between us zero.

     "You want to die?" He grabbed my neck from behind, but he didn't grab me tight and placed the gun on my forehead.

     "Enough!" A warm hand grabbed my hand around the gun, making me look at the person.

My eyes widened as soon as my eyes captured the person who came to save me—IT'S HIM, JUSTIN.

    "Do not dare to cross the line!" He pulled the gun out of Julian's hand, and the guards moved one step closer to Justin to grab him, but Julian showed his hand while ordering his guards to "STOP THERE!"

     "WHO ARE YOU?" Julian placed his hand inside his pocket while stepping close to him.

I blinked my eyes while looking back and forth between two handsome, muscular men. 

But Julian is two inches taller than Justin.

Both boys are staring at each other.

     "I'm a police officer!" He pulled his police ID card and showed it to Julian.

     "Anyone can make fake ID cards!" Julian sounded cold, and I scoffed while looking at him.

Why can't he trust anyone and anything? 

    "Why don't you check yourself?" Justin shrugged his shoulders.

Julian snatched the card when the random guard stepped close to him while taking the card from Julian's hand.

    "Check it!" One gesture from Julian was enough for his guard to recognize his words.

Julian trained his guards well.

The guard pulled his phone back and turned back while stepping out of the place.

     "Are you okay?" Justin turned to me and inquired while placing his hand on my cheek.

Oh god, I missed him so much.

It was a long day!

     "I am fine!" I nodded my head, cutting it short. 

I looked at Julian when his hot glances touched my skin.

He was looking at me like he was going to eat me like a monster.

This time, I didn't want to step back, either. I looked straight into his eyes with a raised eyebrow.

      "Boss!" The guard came and walked straight up to Julian while whispering in his ears.

I couldn't hear anything, but I knew the sync.

    "He is a real police officer!" A devilish smile appeared around my lip.

    "Are you done investigating me?" Justin snatched his police ID card from the guard. 

Julian looked at Justin before sharing a look with me.

     "Arrest her right now!" He pointed his finger at me.

     "I am filing a complaint against her!" Julian said everything while looking at me—there was a wave of anger in his eyes for me and I don't know— my heart started aching seeing the anger in his eyes for me.

     "Let me ask you something, first!" Justin said while breaking the silence.

      "Who are you?" 

     "Why do you have the gun?" Justin inquired while shaking Julian's gun in his hand. 

    "Are you the boss of the criminal group?" Justin stepped close to Julian and questioned him while sharing a look with him before checking on the guards.

    "I can arrest you for using the gun in the hospital area!" Justin showed his finger. 

    "And, how dare you threaten her?" Justin clicked his tongue.

Oh sh*t, I have to stop him.

I grabbed his shoulder while making him look at me.

Justin has no idea what's going on here!

He just watched Julian shouting at me and pointing his gun at me.

Julian scoffed but pressed his forehead with his thumb—oh my goodness, he looked so hot.

His green, piercing eyes are fucking sexy.

      "I have a gun licence, and I am a businessman."

   "My name is Julian Knight!" He pulled out his business card while keeping it in Justin's hand.

Justin and I looked at the card while scanning the information.

"Julian Knight!!"

      "And I was not scaring her but inquiring about her background!" Julian said this while Justin and I looked at him in unison.

      "My friend, Victoria, got shot. Someone attacked her; now she is in serious condition."

      "I suspect this girl has a part in the crime." He said everything while not breaking eye contact with me.

     "Why do you suspect her?" Justin questioned Julian and looked back at him.

     "She approached me at the same time when Victoria got shot."

     "She made me busy in her conversation with her sh*t stories!" Julian stroked his hair with his fingers.


     "It was not a sh*t story!" I grumbled and gritted my teeth while losing my patience. 

    "Who would believe that nonsense about dreams and the future?" He scoffed while pinching his nose with his thumb—the nerves on his neck revealed themselves from time to time in his anger.

I don't know, but I am absolutely seeing hate for me in his eyes and voice.

     "She said she had a dream about the crime scene and that I was going to die in the accident." Julian looked at Justin while scoffing.

Justin looked at me as soon as Julian revealed the piece of information.

     "So, she came to protect me!" He laughed while making the sound of the devil.

Oh my gosh, there was such a vibration through his voice that it made me shiver my body and gave a chill down my spine.

There is something about this man, and everything about him is power.

Justin looked at me while making eye contact with me to confirm the news and I nodded my head in response, making him understand my actions.

Now, I am sure he got to know everything about the reason for me to approach Julian. 

    "She was telling the truth!" Justin said; however, a smile disappeared from Julian's lips as he looked at him.

     "What?" Julian sounded while tilting his head and looking at him with his raised eyebrow—I could feel the arrogance in his face shape.

      "You want me to say she really saw the future through the dream?" Julian asked and moved his hand—his eyes were not taking off from Justin.

    "Yes!" Justin sounded.

     "What is the relationship between you guys?" Julian inquired, and now he was not looking at me. 

      "We are friends!" Julian looked at me as soon as I answered his question.

He grabbed my wrist with his hand and dragged me with him while making me take a step.

     "Where!" Before I could ask a question, I felt like a jerk.

Justin grabbed my second hand from the right side.

    "Where are you taking her?" Justin groaned while making me look at him.

     "To the police station!" Julian looked at Justin.

I am standing between both guys—Julian is on my left side and Justin is on my right side, grabbing my hand.

      "Being a police officer, you are telling me to trust this girl and her nonsense about her future ability!" Julian clicked his tongue—he was not ready to trust my ability.

     "We don't have any evidence to convince you, but she is innocent!" Justin argued while taking the stand for me

     "She really tried to protect you from the accident." 

     "Hey, officer, I'm not stupid like you to believe the fictional story!” Justin showed him his finger.

    "Show me the evidence instead of your words!" Julian clicked his tongue while turning and stepping close to Justin.

     "I am the evidence, damnit!" 

     "I lost my mother by ignoring Merry's words!" Justin yelled at the top of his lungs while closing his eyes.

    "Justin!" I said while looking at him.

     "She warned me about the incident, and I didn't trust her, but I laughed at her!”

      "The next day, my mother died in a car accident, as she gave me the details!" The tears rolled down on Justin's eyes as he looked at Julian—his eyes turned crimson red.

I jerked Julian while making my hand free from his grip.

     "Hey!" I hugged Justin without wasting a single second, wrapping my hands around his neck.

     "Relaxparent'stterned my hand on his back—damn, Justin always regretted not trusting me.

Yes, I watched his mother's death in my dream.

I told him about the incident, but at first, he didn't believe me.

The next day, Justin's mother left for work in her car, met in the accident, and died in the same way detailed in my dream.

So, Justin always blamed himself for not trusting me ever since.

     "I once lost my mother while not trusting her!" He pushed me back while breaking the hug and stepping close to Julian.

Julian didn't say anything, and I looked at him.

I can say that he has lost words with the sentiment of a mother.

    "She is telling the truth; she can see the future throughout her dreams!"

    "She really tried to save you from death!" Justin was taking rapid breaths.

Julian scoffed while biting his lips.

"And Merry can never hurt Victoria!" Justin grabbed Julian's attention while taking Victoria's name.

     "Because Merry and Victoria are twin sisters!" My eyes widened as soon as Justin revealed the piece of attention.

   "What?" Julian and I screamed in unison and looked at each other.

    "Yes, Merry, Victoria is your sister!" Justin looked at me.

      "He is your father's friend's son, Julian Knight."

      "And Merry is the second daughter of your Uncle Harry, whom you respect so much!" Justin looked at Julian and pointed his finger at me.

Julian and I shared a look—he was as shocked as me.

Oh my goodness, Julian is not a stranger, and Victoria is my sister!

Indeed, I felt pain when she got shot!

Justin pulled the photo while grabbing our attention.

    "Here is the evidence!" 

"He is your father, Merry!" I looked into the photo, and my hand grabbed it, giving me a close look.

     "DADDY!" The tears escaped from me, dropping down on my cheeks. 

I'm seeing my dad for the first time.

My father looks very handsome.

I rolled my fingers at the photo while feeling them.

This is my parent's wedding photo— they were holding each other's hand while looking into each other's eyes.

My parents were so young and happy.

They are looking together made for each other—this is called the couple made from heaven.

Julian grabbed the photo from my hand while looking at it with a serious face.

    "How did you get this photo?" Julian looked at Justin when the nurse came out and crossed from us while running.

What the hell is happening?

    "What happened?" Julian grabbed the doctor, who had just come from the operating theatre.

      "Patience is bleeding very much, and we are unable to stop the blood!"

    "She needs blood, but we're out of blood and it's a rare blood group—that blood group is not available in our hospital right now!" The doctor said while being panicked about the patient.

No way! I can't lose my long-lost sister.

To be continued.

Aprajita Singh

Finally, the relationship between Victoria and Merry is revealed now. What do you think will happen now?

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