


Alexa was still in the restroom with Jade, trying to explain everything that had happened so far, but Jade was still in disbelief. "How could you do this to Cody, Alex? You're supposed to be in a committed relationship with him," Jade said, shaking her head.

"I know, Jade, but it's not what you think. Anthony is Nolan's father, and he just wanted to take me out to lunch to discuss something," Alexa replied, trying to make Jade understand.

"But you're dressed in that stunning dress, and you're having lunch with a man who's not your boyfriend. That's cheating, Alex," Jade said, still not convinced.

"I'm not cheating, Jade. I love Cody, and he means everything to me. I just had to do this for Nolan's sake, and Anthony promised that he would help me," Alexa explained, hoping that Jade would understand.

"But what if Cody finds out? What will happen then?" Jade asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I don't know, Jade, but I just have to trust that Cody will understand," Alexa r
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