


As Alexa stood on the balcony, trying to calm her nerves and process the events of the evening, she noticed a familiar car parked at the end of the driveway. It was Cody's car. Panic set in as she realized that he was here, right outside the mansion.

Her heart started to race as she quickly made her way back inside, trying to avoid being seen by Anthony or Nolan. She made it to the door and started to open it, but before she could step outside, she heard Cody's voice behind her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed.

Alexa turned around slowly, dreading the confrontation that was sure to follow. "I-I was just trying to relax," she stuttered, hoping he would believe her.

Cody didn't seem convinced. "Relaxing? Really? You know we have a job to do tonight, and you're out here risking everything by being seen."

Alexa felt a twinge of guilt. He was right - if Anthony or Nolan caught her with Cody, it could ruin everything. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I just needed s
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