
20. First Kiss

"The kiss was full of all the words I didn't need to say."


"I need your money." I blurted out.

The translator translated my words and soon I was met with very confused eyes.

It was too late to realize that how wrong my words sounded, he must think of me as a gold digger.

"No! Not like want your money for my shopping but more like want your money for the furniture and groceries." I quickly cleared the meaning behind my words saying the sentence in one breathe.

His eyes widened a little but he controlled his expressions like usual, he was clearly surprised by my words.

"So are you going to give it orrr not?" I trailed out.

He stared out of the window for a moment and then went to our walk in closet without saying a word.

"Seems like not." I answered to myself and decided to go downstairs I need to prepare lunch for everyone.

I was about to exit our room when a big hand caught my right hand and stopped me on my

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goodnovel comment avatar
Tricia Applewhite
omg.... this chapter was worth it ..... ... I am suddenly destined to have a great day today.... I must .... ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Nancy Palacios
I’ve been waiting for it
goodnovel comment avatar
Genelyn Rivera
Very nicely written. .........

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