

Just as our passion threatened to consume us completely, a familiar, infuriating sound shattered the air. The ringing of my phone pierced through the haze of our desire, the jarring intrusion on our intimate moment.

Rosalina's eyes, heavy with desire just moments ago, now widened in surprise and frustration. I growled under my breath, torn between wanting to ignore the call and wanting to pick it up to see if it was important or not.

With a frustrated sigh, I reluctantly withdrew from her embrace, reaching into my pocket to retrieve my phone. The display showed an incoming call, and I cursed silently at the timing of it all. As much as I wanted to remain lost in the intensity of our connection, duty called.

Rosalina watched me, her lips slightly swollen from our kisses, her chest rising and falling with the remnants of desire. The more I watched her, the more I wanted to throw away all the responsibilities I had and go back and lose myself inside her.

I fished my phone out of my pock
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