


"Thanks for dropping me off," I unbuckled my seatbelt and reached for the door handle, ready to step out of the car and end this cat-and-mouse game.

Leonardo's hand gently caught my arm, stopping me from opening the door. His eyes bore into mine.

"Wait," It was a plea. "Before you go, there is something I wanna say."

I sighed, feeling a tug in my heart at his earnestness. "What is it, Leo?" I asked, bracing myself for whatever he was about to confess.

He took his time, gathering his thoughts. "I don't want to just be acquaintances with you. I want us to be more. I want to explore where this could lead."

I stared at him, conflicted. Part of me longed to give in to his advances and see where this newfound chemistry could take us. Even if it was purely physical. But another part of me, the more cautious and guarded part, reminded me of the consequences that could arise from getting involved with a man like him.

"Leonardo," I began, my voice firm. I wanted to make things
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