
The Truth

Maxmillian turned towards Amelia. His face and eyes still looked scary. As soon as she saw him, she became frightened. Maxmillian tried to move closer to her, but Amelia drifted back.

"What are you?" Amelia asked. Her voice broke, stuttering in fear "You were in my dream" she added.

"It wasn't me" Maxmillian responded. Still trying to move closer.

"Stay away from her" Alexander yelled.

"Stay away from me," Amelia said. "Don't come any closer," she added.

"Leave us alone. Stay out of this." Maxmillian Roared at Alexander. His voice was like that of a thunderstorm.

"This is who I am Amelia. I tried to tell you, but I didn't want to lose you. I was really scared you'd leave me if I told you. I'm sorry" Maxmillian cried out.

Amelia was shocked at the sight of Maxmillian. The man she loved. She could swear that it was the exact beast she saw in her dream. She became scared. " Don't hurt me please," Amelia pleaded.

"I would never. Alexander and his mother are the ones who want to hurt you.
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