

Lily's POV

Stirring awake as the first ray of sunlight filtered through the small window, my head throbbed with a dull ache.

I groaned and sat up on the cold floor where I slept. Leaning against the cool stone wall, I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, trying to ease the pounding in my head.

In that brief moment, memories of the previous night flooded my mind. After leaving Marcus's room. I roamed the west wing looking for Amelia, the scar-faced head maid. I had gone around in search of where she might be as the head maid, but I did not find her.

And everywhere I turned, I was met with disdainful glances and whispered insults by the servants and slaves who saw me.

“She is dressed like a whore.” I heard one say.

“How can she be so shameful? She is proudly walking around with a fake wig and wearing Master Marcus's favorite shirt.”

I heard their murmurs as I passed by, but their words meant nothing to me. Even if they called me a whore with fake hair color, mocking the shirt I wore
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