

Lily’s POV

Sauntering along the outskirts of Mistwood Creek, we barely said a word to each other. I held Fiona in my arms, while Clara helped me with Raymond.

We walked quite a distance away from the mansion before the silence that hovered above us was finally broken.

“Do you think he will be alright?” Clara asked as she suddenly paused walking.

“Don't worry too much about it Clara, old man Grayson will be fine,” I replied. Grayson knew he was sick and was on the brink of death, but I was choosing to believe his promise over the true state of his health.

She nodded silently. I looked over at Raymond who was hanging peacefully on her shoulder and smiled warmly. “He must have been so tired to fall asleep so soon,” I said.

“Yeah, I guess,” She replied. “The sun is already setting, do you think we can make it to Crimson Valley before nightfall?” Clara asked.

“We don't seem to have so much of a choice here you know,” I replied.

Clara squinted at me. “Do we not?”

I noticed t
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