
The Alpha King's Hated Slave
The Alpha King's Hated Slave
Author: oby


Lily’s POV


Sitting in our small cabin, I watched the flickering fire of our furnace burn brightly, the warmth of its glow casting dancing shadows across the walls of our humble home.


Then I was reminded of the story I used to hear a lot growing up. The story of how I came to be.


I sometimes do not want to believe how unfortunate I was.


In the heart of Crimson Valley, Mother had ventured into the woods in search of healing herbs to create a potion for the travelers who sojourned in our valley.


I could still picture the image those words painted; The verdant canopy overhead, the soft rustle of leaves beneath her feet, and the gentle hum of nature's song all around her.


While Mother was happily humming to a song and picking what she needed for her potion, fate had other plans for her.


You can say, fate had other plans for ME anyway.


A sudden slip, a jagged branch hidden under the soil, and mother found herself lying injured on the forest floor.


She was seven months due with me in her tummy. The pain and shock of her injury caused me to become uncomfortable with her and wanted out.


Her pregnancy was induced and then came the moment when I graced this world with my presence before time.


My untimely birth came with its consequences. I could not harness any of the abilities of a silver-shade wolf. I was of a true and pure bloodline, so I was blessed with an ethereal beauty, a porcelain skin contrasting with striking silver hair that cascaded down my back like a shimmering waterfall.


My tiny form, so delicate and frail, was unable to harness even the healing gifts that flowed through our bloodline.


A few years later, Shawn was born. More healthy and vibrant than I was. Shawn possessed the same striking features that defined our bloodline. His curly silver hair glowed in the sunlight, giving more form to his angular face and piercing blue eyes.


Still seated by the burning furnace and lost in thoughts, I was suddenly interrupted by my father's voice calling my name. “Lily.” He said, his tone gentle yet firm, “Come on, it's time for your class.”


Rising from my seat, I glanced over at Shawn, mischief dancing in his eyes as he trailed behind me. “Come on, Lily.” He teased, his voice playful. “Let's go cause some trouble.”


“Tsk, tsk. We are going for a class dummy not to cause trouble.” I whispered back into his ears as we tailed behind our father.

“Hurry fellas, you do not want to be late.” He chided.


Soon we got to the potion chamber, where our family crafted potions and remedies to heal and protect. Once we started, Shawn was already brewing a bowl of healing palm, his hands moving with precision as he did his work with ease.


“Wow, Shawn, you're amazing!” Sean exclaimed, admiration shining in his eyes. “I wish I could make potions like you.”


Sean was about Shawn’s age mate. They were best friends and he was always fascinated by Shawn's work.


I just wish I could work with ease too. But I had no powers.


Shawn chuckled, his expression warm and encouraging. “You'll get there soon Sean.” He said, placing a reassuring hand on Sean's shoulder. “It just takes practice and patience,” I smirked at him. He knew Sean did not have special abilities like he did.


Tired of watching Shawn, I turned and watched intently as our father demonstrated the delicate art of potion-making.


His hands moved with a grace and skill born out of years of experience. “Now, kids.” He said, turning to us with a gentle smile, “Pay close attention. This potion requires precision and focus.”


Paying attention to my father's instructions, I learned the procedures effectively. “I'll do my best, Father,” I replied, meeting his gaze with a firm resolve. "I won't let you down."


After our potion class, we returned home to the comforting warmth of our cozy cabin. Shawn and I played till we arrived at home.


On nearing our doorstep, the aroma of fresh venison wafted into our nostrils as we entered, and my mother's warm smile welcomed us. “Welcome kids.” Mother greeted after briefly hugging and giving Father a peck.


“Hello, Mother.” Shawn and I greeted in unison but our feet were already close to the table.


Seated around the fine wooden table, we gathered as a family to have dinner. Mother had prepared us a steaming pot of venison stew, accompanied by freshly baked bread and an array of garden-fresh vegetables.


“I can feel myself salivating already,” Shawn said. His eyes lighted up with excitement as he eagerly reached for a bowl of stew.


“Yes, indeed.” Father chimed in, his voice filled with anticipation. “I can't wait to dig in!”


“Mother is the best cook in the whole world.” I squealed and we all laughed.


My mother smiled with pride at our enthusiasm, her hands swiftly serving each of us a generous portion of the delicious meal.


“I'm glad you like it, my darlings.” She said, her voice tinged with warmth. “Eat up, and don't hold back. There's plenty for everyone.”


As we dug into our meal, the air was filled with the sound of our cutleries clashing with our plates and the sounds of hearty conversations flowing amongst us. After dinner, we dispersed into our rooms and got ourselves readied for bed.


Settling into bed, I recalled the warmth of the evening meal still lingering in my belly. I smiled and closed my eyes as I looked forward to a good night's rest.


But as my eyelids fluttered shut, a clear image materialized before me. An apparition of a dark wolf, its form looming large in the depths of my mind.


His fur was a beautiful shade of black and he emitted a strong aura. Muscles rippled beneath his coat, and each of his movements was carefully taken with grace and poise.


I watched in silent awe as he walked through the shadows, his eyes gleaming with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Piercing black eyes that blended with the darkness, sharp and focused, locking onto mine.


Then my hands, with thoughts of it's own reached out to touch the dark and majestic wolf. Drawn to his presence with a mixture of fear and fascination. But as my hand neared his furs, a haunting howl pierced the silence, echoing past my dreams into my consciousness.


Startled, I awoke, my heart pounding in my chest and beads of sweat formed. The dream was still very clear in my thoughts. Needing some moment to collect myself, I decided to go downstairs for a cup of water, hoping to shake off the lingering unease that clung to me like a cloak.

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Mark Howard
I love this chapter

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