

Lily’s POV


I placed Shawn safely behind the hidden passage in my room, and then I closed it with a heavy heart.


Sure that he was safe, I composed myself then I inhaled and exhaled deeply, preparing myself for the unavoidable face-out with Smithson.


“I'll come back for you, Shawn,” I whispered to him. My voice was barely above a hoarse murmur.


Releasing a heavy breath, I closed my eyes and exhaled for the last time. Then I  attempted to call forth the wolf that dwelled deep within my soul. But despite my efforts, the transformation was not forthcoming.


Before I could try again, the door to my room creaked open, and Smithson's huge figure stood tall in the doorway. His eyes gleamed maliciously as he came toward me.


Fear shot through me as I backed away, my mind began racing with different thoughts on how I could escape. “Stay back!” I warned, my voice trembling with fear.


But ignoring my threats, Smithson continued to advance. plastered across his face, was a malicious grin. "You can't hide forever, little wolf," he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.


“Sooner than later  I will find your brother and help finish what you started.” He sneered.


I thought of a means to defend myself. I noticed a flower vase seated by my bed stand. But before I could make a move,  I felt a sharp pain in my head, then everything went pitch black.


Marcus’s POV


Walking the corridors of my father's grand mansion, I felt something different and sinister in the air. Something was not right, but I could not figure out what it was at the moment.


As I moved, the servants hurried their steps as they walked past me. not wanting to infuriate me with their presence.


“Marcus, you're needed in the banquet hall,” Winston whispered. His voice was a lot calmer. Winston was my aide and maybe the closest to being a friend.


He was the only one I could tolerate anyway.


I nodded curtly in acknowledgment, my expression as icy as ever. “I'll be there shortly,” I replied.


With a dull sigh, I made my way to the grand banquet hall. I heard voices, music, and laughter coming from there and as I approached, the sounds became louder and more irritating to my ears.


As I entered, my father's gaze met mine briefly before returning to his conversation with the assembled guests.


I took my place at the table, my expression impassive as I listened to his speech praising Smithson's recent conquest.


“And let us raise a toast to our loyal knight, Smithson, for his bravery and dedication.” My father declared, his voice ringing out above the voices of the crowd.


The guests responded with cheers and applause, but I could see beyond their facade. Each man seated in the hall was after his own pocket. Seeking for a name, thirsting for power and authority.


A courtier seated beside me leaned in, attempting to engage me in conversation. “Quite the affair, isn't it, Marcus?” He said, a forced smile plastered across his face.


My face twisted in annoyance at his sudden intruding on my thoughts. I gave him a cold glare that made him back away.


As the event wore on, Smithson rose from his seat full of boastful pride and selfish respect. He bowed slightly to my father and made to present his honorarium.


In the center of the hall laid a figure so delicate and pitiful, that she glowed like the moonlight upon a still pond. Her silver hair fell in gentle waves around her, framing a face of otherworldly beauty, and her amber eyes held so many emotions than I could tell.


She looked so familiar.


“This, my lord, is the last of the Silver Shade pack.” Smithson declared, his voice filled with self-adoration. “The only survivor of the pure bloodline and undefiled.”


The hall fell silent as Smithson's words hung in the air. My eyes scanned through the hungry gazes of the men in the crowd. their stares made my blood boil with anger.


An unexplainable anger filled my mind, causing me to clench my fists. “And what do you intend to do with her?” I demanded, surprising myself.


Smithson's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “Why Marcus? I'm presenting her to you, of course.” He replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.


I felt a growl rumble in the depths of my chest. How dare he talk back at me in that manner? I would make sure Smithson regrets spewing such words at me.


In a bid to calm my angry nerves down, I reached for the nearest glass of wine, downing it in a single gulp.


The alcohol did very little to help calm down my anger.


Blood. Smithson's blood would calm my angered wolf.


But before I could act, my father's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, commanding the attention of the room. “Marcus.” He said, his tone firm but measured. “You can have her.”


Relief flooded through me as my wolf quieted at my father’s words. But I was already drunk. Without giving him a response, I stood up and walked away.


As I returned to my room, I was drunk and wasted. I walked in to find the young lady standing there waiting for me. I felt like  I had known her all my life.


“What are you doing here?” I slurred, my words muddled by the effects of the wine.

She met my gaze with a calm and unwavering stare, her silence made me irritated.


Closing the distance between us, I inhaled deeply, catching the faint scent of herbs and flowers that clung to her skin. Her scent triggered my wolf as excitement and desire brewed within me.


I growled lowly hoping she would flinch and cower in fear but she didn't.


Unable to resist the desires of my wolf any longer, I leaned in closer, my lips hovering just inches from hers. Searching her eyes for any sign of hesitation, I found only a quiet acceptance of what was to come.


I closed the distance between us, my lips meeting hers in a fervent kiss. She wasn't responsive at first, but I bit her lips till her tongue moved.


As the kiss deepened, I felt a sense of exhilaration wash over me, my wolf rejoicing in our intimacy.  


She was stiff and unmoving, so I pushed her onto the bed. And when I went into her, I almost marked her as I was met with her purity intact.


I growled as I reached my climax. In a split second, I disappeared from my room.


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