

Lily's POV


Pigs and Beasts!  


That is what Marcus Blackthorn and his entire pack members are for all they have done to me and my family. I picked myself up from his bed and searched for the remains of my dress from the floor of his room.


After wiping out my entire pack, he had the effrontery to defile me. I picked up the pieces of my dress scattered on the floor. One of my beautiful dresses hand-sewn by my mother was now torn and frayed from a man's uncontrollable desire.  


My mind recalled how my mother would call Sarah, my friend, and myself to come try out the dresses she had made. “How do I look, Lil?” Sarah asked me one time Mother sewed us a rainbow garment made of silk and golden trimmings.


“Oh Sarah, you look ravishingly beautiful,” I exclaimed and hurriedly tried mine on.


“Now Lil, you look like a princess. ” Sarah said gleefully.


“Of course Sarah, I am a princess and will get married to my prince charming and we will live happily ever after,” I replied and we laughed.


Mother had sneaked in on us and began tickling us. “Who is getting married to the prince? Who? Who now? ” We laughed till we became breathless.


Now all that is gone. Sarah was one of my many friends, but we were somewhat closer because she liked Sean, Shawn's best friend and they were planning on getting married once Sarah turned twenty.


Her birth was two days after the day of the massacre. She died.  


The thought of my family and friends brought tears to my eyes and I fell to the foot of the bed and began sobbing lightly but gradually, my tears echoed through the night.


I hope it has reached the land of the dead.  


Laying on the floor, tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. It was more hurting as the realization kept dawning on me afresh. They would pay for it. All of them.


Lost in my agony, I heard the door to the room creak open. I raised my head to see the queen ‐ Laurent Blackthorn walk in. Her presence brought a chill to the room that matched the numbness in my heart.


She was quite a tall person, her imposing figure cast a dark shadow in the room. Her eyes were icy blue and void of any warmth or compassion. Her movements all seemed calculated and deliberate.


Her hair was glossy black and it cascaded down her face like a black veil, adding to the air of menace that surrounded her. She was dressed in a long shimmering black gown that popped up her fair skin.


She carried herself, with a sense of cold indifference that chilled me to the bone. There was darkness in her eyes and one could get lost in it if the person stared for too long.


How did she manage to raise a child in such a cold aura?  


I struggled to get up on my feet and used my torn clothes to cover my bare chest. Thankfully it was long enough to cover beneath my waist too. It was as if she could see right through me, peeling back the layers of my soul to expose the raw fear that lay beneath.



"Why are you staining the floors of my son's room with those dirty tears?" she sneered, her voice dripping with contempt.


“Good evening alpha queen.” I greeted ignoring her crude remark about my tears.


“Save your greetings. I do not need it to thrive.” She sneered. “What are you doing here?” She asked.


I wish I knew too.


“I am here on order of King Adonis,” I replied, having dried my tears.


“I am sure he did not order you to be here to disturb our peace with your useless tears.”


Her words finally pierced through my wounds. "Why... Why did you massacre my pack?" I choked out, my throat tight with emotion and my voice shaking as I dared to confront her.


"Why not?" she replied with a shrug, her indifference sending a million shocks down my spine. "There was nothing wrong in pulling out a few weeds standing in the way."


“What?!” I yelled. Her words ignited a fire within me, a fury that burned brighter than the pain I felt earlier on. "You... you monsters!" I screamed, my voice trembling with rage and emotion. "You will all pay for what you did!"


I lost control as I fell back to the ground and let the tears engulf me. My wavy silver hair fell over my face, and my hands touched the ground. My pitiful state enhanced my fragile frame.


But my cries fell on deaf ears. "Normally, I don't pay attention to children's tantrums," she remarked coldly, her disdain for me evident in every word. "But today, I will teach you a lesson you will not forget in your entire miserable life, no matter how short it may be."


“No.. no… PLEASE!” I yelled, regretting why I angered her in the first place.


“Too late,” She laughed. Then with a wave of her hand, I felt invisible hands tighten around my neck and choke me out. I gasped for air and my vision began to blur. Then suddenly, I felt myself afloat in the air.  


"Stop... please..." I pleaded, my voice barely a whisper as the darkness closed in around me.


But Queen Laurent showed no mercy, her grip only tightening as she slammed me against the wall with brutal force. Pain exploded through my body. Breathing became a struggle as I fought to stay conscious.


"I... I am your son's slave," I managed to gasp out. "Will Marcus not…  Will he not be annoyed to see me like this?"


But the Queen's laughter filled the room, "To Marcus, you are nothing but a puppet," she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "And he knows... you are also nothing but a nuisance."


I thought for honor's sake, Alphas were very protective of their property. Riches and slaves alike.


Maybe they did not anymore. I closed my eyes and let the darkness overwhelm me.


Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Tine Albie Figuracion
what the h...!!!!why is it all the same...the stories I've reading are similar...the female leads are all pathetic and weak...what kind of story is this? OMG...I thought it would be different but then it's just the same as stories I'd stop reading...

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