

Marcus's POV


 Leaving my room, my wolf growled as I found my way to Winston's Chambers. I could still feel the haze of alcohol still clouding my mind, but even stronger was the excitement that my wolf felt at having that silver-haired slave.


I flew open his door and staggered in. Winston squinted his deep brown eyes as he took in my disheveled state.


"What in blazes are you doing here, Master Marcus?" Winston exclaimed, his surprise was evident in his voice.


I rolled my eyes slowly and settled into a seat close to the fireplace. “I just need some time,” I muttered.


Winston frowned, his gaze flickering to the door as if expecting someone to burst in at any moment. “Some time from what?” He asked.


I raised my face to look at him. He looked at me with a curious gaze. Fine.


“Get me warm water to drink.” I finally said.


“That's it?” Winston asked in disbelief. He was a bit chubby with soft lips and cheeks and was most times comical in his acts and other times willing to give his life for me.


Winston was much younger than I was but was friendly and calm enough to be with.


I chuckled. “I will tell you after I have my warm water.” I teased him.


“Deal.” He replied and went back in the direction of the kitchen to boil some water.


Not long after he was back with a cup of warm water. “Thank you,” I said quietly as I gulped down the warm liquid.


I gave Winston the cup and he returned it to the kitchen.  “So, what ails the great Marcus, driving him to my chambers,” Winston said as he approached me.


His question took my thoughts back to the silver-haired girl in my room. The Silver Shade pack was the weakest link in our kingdom, their leaders were omega wolves and could not compare to the weakest werewolf of the Twilight Ridge pack.


But despite all these, my wolf decided to get excited over a weakling. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.


Winston had taken a seat opposite me and was waiting to hear what I had to say.


“Winston.” I began. “Can I choose who I want to be my mate over my wolf's choice?”


Winston jerked in his seat. “What do you mean? Have you found your mate?” He asked excitedly.


I got slightly irritated over his unnecessary excitement. “Answer the damn question Winton and stop getting ahead of yourself.”


He immediately comported himself. Although he was mostly relaxed around me, he never forgets how beastly I could get.


“Well, it has been said of old that although a werewolf can sleep with as many ladies as he likes, but once his wolf picks a mate it is usually hard to let go of her.”


I scoffed at the absurdity of such a fable. “But that is my wolf's mate, I can choose who I want to be with.”


“That is where it gets a bit tricky. Just as you are one with your wolf, gradually you will come to love your chosen mate. Most times, because of the humanity we possess, we love a little bit more than our wolf.” Winston said calmly.


I certainly did not like the sound of that.


“She cannot be my mate,” I replied dryly.  


“Uhm.. Uhhh.. Who is she?” Winston stammered, unsure if his question would anger me.


I looked at him for a while. “I wish I knew too.”


Winston stared at me in disbelief. I gave him a sly grin. I knew he was expectant of who my mate would be, just as the whole kingdom was. I hated the thought of having one.


I just want to be alone. Stirring up human emotions would take its toll on me when I rule and I have a lot of cleaning up to do after my father.  


“How is your slave doing?” Winston asked from nowhere, earning him a soft growl. Winston raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.


"Easy there, wolf," he said, his voice calm and measured. "No need to get all riled up. Just because she's under your care doesn't mean you have to take it out on me."


I took a deep breath and tried to put my emotions under check. "It's not just that," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "There's something about her... something that draws me to her."


Winston's eyes widened in surprise, his expression shifting from amusement to concern. "You felt attracted to her?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.


I shook my head, the denial ringing deep in my own ears. "No, it's not like that," I protested, though I could hear the uncertainty in my voice. "I can't... I can't be attracted to a slave and a weak slave at that." I added with disdain etched into my tone.


Winston regarded me with a knowing look, his gaze piercing through the layers of my facade to the heart of the matter. "Maybe you're not," he said gently, his tone softening with understanding. "But your wolf, on the other hand..."


I rolled my eyes at the possible truth of the matter. I knew my wolf was drawn to her and her scent was mesmerizing and alluring. She was beautiful too, but to me, all that was useless without the very essence of what makes her a werewolf.  


"And if you don't want to mark her as your mate," Winston continued, his voice taking on a solemn tone, "then you need to stay away from her. For both your sakes."


My thoughts halted at his words and I put on a bright smile. “Who knew you could make so much sense for once in your life?” I stood up and pulled his chubby cheeks.


"Ouch! Let me go, you are hurting me." He yelled.


"Oh, Winston." I laughed and let him go. “You need to be more wolf and less human.”


“Whatever.” He murmured and arranged himself. “So what are you going to do now?” He asked.


I Walked towards the door then paused and looked back at him with a cold glint illuminating my dark eyes. “What do you think?”


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