

Lily’s POV

Walking through the dimly lit corridors of our home, I heard faint sound of voices down the hallway and they grew louder as I approached the meeting room.

“We are only a small pack and cannot afford such heavy levies for King Adonis!” I heard a voice say.

Wondering whose voices they were, I tiptoed towards the meeting room. I peered through the slightly ajar door, I couldn't help but notice the tense atmosphere that hung heavy in the air. Father was sitting on his chair, head bowed in frustration, while other members had on them, agitated faces.

“I will relay your message to my brother. But be warned of the consequences of your choices.” I heard another say. He looked different from the members of our pack. He had a black rune on his hands and his hair was long and black.

He was from the Twilight Ridge pack. The most powerful wolves in the region.

I stood there, hands unmoving, feet stuck to where I stood and my breath became a bit raspy. As the realization of what was to occur if we stood against the twilight ridge pack struck me, I let out a soft gasp.

Instantly, the voices in the room fell silent, replaced by an eerie quiet that seemed to echo through the empty corridors. I felt their eyes shift in my direction and look right at me.

Turning back into the hallway, I ran. My heart rammed heavily against my chest as I ran. Panic welled up inside me as I ran towards the nearest room, then I opened it and slipped in.

Ducking into the nearest alcove, I pressed myself against the wall, my breath coming in more ragged gasps as I strained to listen if I was still being pursued.

Footsteps echoed in the distance. They grew louder with each passing moment. Closing my eyes tightly, I prayed that I would not be caught.

I placed my ears close to the door and paid attention to the sounds that came from the other side of the cabin. But I heard nothing. No footsteps, no hushed whispers, and no loud voices threatening me to come out.

Then, like a whisper in the wind, I heard it. Quiet, slow, and well-calculated footsteps. As time passed, the steps came closer to where I hid. I held my breath and shut my eyes once more.

I had no idea what fate had in store for me when I would be discovered.

But when the voice came, I heard my father's familiar voice, firm but his tone had a mix of love and concern. “Come out, Lily.” He called.

Relief flooded through me at the sound of his voice. I peeked out to see if he was alone. He was.

I sighed in relief, having held my breath for so long as I emerged from my hiding place. I Stepped out of my hiding place and walked behind my father into the dim light of the hallway.

His expression was stern and I could see the disappointment that etched into the lines of his face. “Lily.” He began.

“What were you thinking? Eavesdropping on a pack meeting is a serious breach of trust and you could have been accused of conspiracy and killed.” His tone held a bit of fear in it.

The king's men showed no mercy to defaulters. Child or adult.

I hung my head, ashamed of my actions. “I'm sorry, Father,” I murmured, the words heavy with remorse. “I didn't mean to intrude. I was just...curious.”

My father's gaze softened slightly at my apology, his features relaxing with understanding. “Curiosity is a natural thing, my dear.” He said, his tone gentle yet firm. “But there are boundaries that must be respected, especially within our pack.”

I nodded as his words sank in. “I understand, Father,” I replied, my voice tinged with sincerity. “I would make sure it doesn't repeat itself.”

With a nod, my father reached out to me and enveloped me in a warm embrace. “I know you mean well, Lily.” He said calmly. “Just remember to always think before you act, and not to involve yourself in things like that, which can put you in harm's way.”

I nodded a response. Father smiled, then he picked me up and I nestled into his arms as he took me back into my room. He tucked me in and raised the blanket over me to keep me warm.

“Get back to sleep now child.” He said gently.

But instead of sleeping, I looked up at him with wide eyes, a question burning on my lips.“Father.” I began, my voice a little hesitant to speak.

“What is it?” Father probed noticing my hesitation.

“Why are the other packs so mean to smaller packs like ours?” I asked.

My father sighed, a look of sadness flickering across his features as he settled beside me on the bed. “It's a complicated matter, Lily.” He replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and resolve. “But I'll do my best to explain.”

And so, as moonlight streamed in through the window, casting a gentle glow over my room, Father began to unravel the mysteries of the wolf kingdom to me.

“You see, my dear.” He began. “Our wolf kingdom is divided into different packs, each with its unique traits, territory, and hierarchy. At the top of this hierarchy are the alphas, the strongest and most dominant members of their respective packs.”

He went on to explain that the Twilight Ridge pack, ruled by Alpha King Adonis, was the most powerful of all packs, their strength and influence surpassing all others.

“Alpha.” My father continued, “is a title bestowed on werewolves with unmatched strength, intelligence, and prowess.”

Next in line was the Luna Crest pack, known for their crossbreeding with witches, which endowed them with formidable magical abilities. Following closely behind were the Bloodmoon pack, notorious for their cannibalistic tendencies and ruthless nature.

“And then there's our pack, the Silver shade pack.” My father said, his voice tinged with pride and regret. “We may be the smallest and the weakest, but we have something that sets us apart, our special abilities of healing and fighting for our own.”

I sighed softly.

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