

Marcus’s POV

After Lily left to go take her bath, I lingered around for a while before deciding to allow her have some privacy.

I stood up and took the ropes that were on the floor with me. As I was about to leave, I noticed that the small potion bottle was still seated on her table, so I went and picked it up. I left the room before she emerged from the bathroom.

As I got to my chambers, I met Winston seated on my chair and waiting for me. “You are back Master Marcus,” Winston said, helping himself out of my chair.

“I see you are doing so comfortably without me,” I said as I walked and placed the potion bottle on the table.

“Nothing of the sort. I was just waiting for you and I was kind of….. you know,” Winston replied, his words slurring towards the end.

I smiled. It was a good day. I had the most peaceful sleep in a long time and Lily was sound and alive.

I made the right decision in the end. But who let her live? Was it Lord Darkwood or that old Lady?

I needed to see Gr
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