
Chapter 46

She was scared to listen to what he had to say. Her whole body began to shiver in anticipation.

“What is it?” she asked,

"I didn't want the doctor to say anything because it would just bring more questions but as always you pay too much attention to the things others wouldn't."

She snorted at him.

"I wouldn't call it paying attention, but I think anyone would be curious as to why the doctor wasn't telling the patient what was wrong."

He smiled at her,

but she didn't smile back.

"True, true. But then you threatened on rejecting me and I don't plan on letting that happen so we're back to your interesting test results."

His face became dark and cold.

She was beginning to get sick of that word, Interesting.

"I was bluffing, I wasn't going to really reject you." She confessed, he eyed her with a blank face.

"Bluffing or not, I don't take chances, especially when it comes to you. To us. You should have known this when you said it." He said critically.

"While my results came bac
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goodnovel comment avatar
Jane Walker
Hmm, interesting! I was wondering what happened and coming up with different scenarios but didn’t see THAT coming! Great story

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