
The Alpha King’s Unwanted Mate
The Alpha King’s Unwanted Mate
Author: Fidelia_j



I ran as fast as I could. Not looking back even for a second. My body hurt and I craved a moment's rest but if I didn't leave, I'll only hurt more.

I had to go far away from here or my life would be over. They hadn't noticed I was gone just yet. If they did, then there would be hell to pay. But I planned to be far by the time they discovered I was gone.

Eventually, my body couldn't take it anymore and I came to a stop, collapsing against the tree. I panted heavily as I tried to catch my breath.

"Why me" I cried to the goddess. I've asked this question so many times and I've lost count.

Life has been unfair to me from the beginning. Abandoned by my family and adopted by the cruelest couple. I couldn't remember my earlier years so I had no memory of them ever being nice to me.

All I remember was from when Eunice was born. I was happy to have a sister but they didn't feel that way. They didn't want me around. They didn't want me touching her. As Eunice grew, she became like her parents. She hates me so much and she didn't hesitate to show me.

I was used as a slave. Worked like an animal and treated like the worst trash. My body was used as a punching bag and my body was littered all over with bruises and cuts from the treatment I received.

The worst of it had happened three weeks ago when they threw a bonfire and I was forbidden from attending.

I was at Eunice's house, cleaning and scrubbing while the pack had fun. I thought I was alone until I saw Kaden, staring behind me and watching me creepily.

Kaden was Eunice's mate. They lived together and I often came over to their house to clean and tidy up the place. Kaden had a strange air about him and I didn't like him. I often found him looking at me and watching everything I did with a creepy smile on his face.

He never tried anything until that day. He watched me without me knowing and when I saw him, he drew closer.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. But he didn't respond and only drew closer. I had an eerie feeling just staring at him. Something was wrong.

"This is my home. I can be here whenever I want to"

Then I should just leave. I tried to go past him but he grabbed my arm, forced me onto the wall, and pressed himself against me. I felt sick as he touched me and I tried to struggle against him but I was no match for him, an alpha.

That day, he stripped me of my innocence. I felt dirty and sick. Disgusted that something like that had happened but there was nobody I could tell.

He was alpha and it was my word against his. Nobody would believe me anyway. So I swallowed the abuse and tried to avoid Kaden. But it wasn't as easy as I imagined.

That first day would only be the beginning of true hell for me. Kaden took every opportunity he had to assault me and I couldn't do anything about it.

My life was miserable and I had nobody to run to and nowhere to run to. Eunice's attitude only worsened towards me and it was a literal living hell for me.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't stand to live like that again so I decided to run away.

I felt rested enough and I had to be on the mine again. I was careful not to accidentally run into another pack or my alpha would be contacted and Kaden would find me easily.

I picked up my pace again, running as fast as I could through the thick forest. A noise caught my attention and my heart raced. Did they discover that I was gone? I couldn't let them find me.

I pushed myself harder, sweat pouring through my body and my legs quivering but I didn't dare to stop. Do I find somewhere to hide? No. That would only increase my chances of being caught.

I didn't pick up on the noise coming from my side until it was too late. A heavy weight forced me to the forest floor and I realized somebody was laying over me. I struggled under the weight but the attacker pressed harder.

Unconsciously, my mind took me back to the time Laden had me pressed down like this while he assaulted me. And betraying me, my body went stiff.

I became unmoving under the weight. My attacker must have realized I was no longer struggling because he lifted his weight from my body and moved away. I couldn't see his face, the sun blinded my eyes.

"Is that her?" I heard an all too familiar voice.

"Yes alpha" Tears flowed from my eyes. It had all been for nothing. I had been found.

"I want her on her knees" he commanded and I was forced to my knees.

Kaden squatted to my level, staring at me with a sick look.

"I told you many times. If you act like a good girl then I wouldn't have to punish you" My stomach churned the longer I stared at his face.

"All you had to do was be obedient and I wouldn't punish you"

"Why did you have to run away?" When I didn't respond, he grabbed my hair.

"Answer me"

"I would rather die than stay in that pack willingly" he laughed and let go of my hair.

"Death? You cannot die unless I've given my permission Nevaeh. I own every inch of you and only I will decide when you get to die. But that will only happen when I get tired of you"

"No" I screamed and jumped at him, only getting as far as his face and scratching him. I was immediately pinned to the floor by one of his guards.

"Let me go" I yelled but they ignored me.

"Take her back to the pack and lock her up in the dungeon" he commanded and shifted into his wolf before disappearing into the forest.

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Loving it already
goodnovel comment avatar
Sara Sbm
Also the pack members are not very good if they allow someone to be abused. Yes follow your leader but he is horrible not a good leader
goodnovel comment avatar
Sara Sbm
This is good so far. Just wondering is this evil alpha because you called him Kaden but they say yes laden. In this chapter. Also don’t mates usually feel when their mates cheat her sister would be in pain.

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