

Aman’s Pov

I walked towards the boys and while looking at them and calmly said "Excuse me, please step aside I want to go ." And he waited for them to step aside but they didn't. So again repeated, "please step aside ."

They suddenly both ask at a time"what is your name?" And I said" Aman and yours "They glanced at me and said "why you wanna know" I calmly said" I wanna know your name because you asked mine" they again said time" Jack ' Noah". And I said, " so how can you please step aside I want to go."

They step aside and I calmly start to leave while passing by I realized that they both are a little short of me and Maria suddenly came and grabbed my arm and said: "leave with me, Aman."

I calmly said "Ok Maria " to not embarrass her and we both left from there after coming other there I asked "why you did do that? you know they are my mates.

My first impression of them is already not good. She smiled and said, " don't worry I will leave as soon as possible and good luck with your mates now I will try to find my mate too."

she hugged me and leave from there I started to walk towards my locker grabbed my bag and walked towards the 2nd class which is with Jackson and Alex.

I entered after asking permission and sat beside Jackson. He looked at me and asked in a low voice " what happened now how come you come too fast?

" After that, I looked at him and said "can we talk after class ?" And placed my head in my hands and started to rest. He said "ok bro."

After about 1 hour the class finished and at this break time, we all left the class and walk towards the canteen because we know Alex and Jimmy must be waiting for us there. we reached the canteen I saw they are waiting for us at a table as expected.

We walked towards the table and I said to them" let's cancel the plan of eating here and come with me to a nearby restaurant I need to talk to you guys ".They all looked at my serious face and said 'ok'. We all left the canteen together.

At the restaurant we were seated in the private box and we ordered lunch after they all looked at me I started "I meet my mates today" and "They smilingly said it is good news bro congratulations"

I stopped them and said listen to me first " The shit is bro I met my mates but Maria and I were making out. My first impression of them is not good they have seen me f***ing Maria and secondly I think their relationship with each other is not good.

They are looking like rivals while facing each other and was about to fight. Maybe they stopped because of my scent........ "

After that, a waiter served that food and leaves the room.

Jimmy said " your bad luck is very bad to find your mate in that situation usually your the Mr lucky. " he joked.

After that, I continued " yeah I know that but right now find every detail of them Alex and Jimmy. Their names are Jack and Noah. They are studying in our college find every single detail of them. But don't let them for right now that I am an alpha lion. Ok ."

Alex and Jimmy both said in one voice 'yes sir'. Now Andrew said, "let's start eating we are all hungry. I am f***ing starving," He is the biggest eater In all of us. Alex joked, ”Yeah otherwise a starving panda will die from hunger. ” We ate our lunch and left the restaurant.

After reaching the college Jackson and Andrew walked towards our class because after the lunch break we have a class of sports.

So we need to change our clothes for that. In front of our gym locker room, I see one of my mates standing there. I think they have the same class as me.

I connected my telepathy with Jackson and Andrew while talking and smiling with them and told them about my mate as they are also joining our class.

So try not to get too involved as werewolves and we are competitive by nature and end up in a fight.

It will only go downhill since my impression is already not that good.

Jack's POV

Today is the 1st day of college. I am Jack. I am a third-year college student. Today while walking through the stairs I happened to meet my biggest rival in life Noah who is coming down. We were about to confront each other about the challenge of basketball. But I stopped because I smelled the scent of my mate but it was disgusting because he is having sex with someone. I was a little angry and jealous and thought after mating him he will be mine.

I frowned at Noah and was about to go in search of a mate when I saw he is also frowning. But I don't have time to think about it. Suddenly a boy with black jeans and a white shirt black jacket. He is muscular and has a strong body. I can smell his scent is now normal and he is my mate. My wolf is screaming 'he is mine. '

He walked towards us and asked "please step aside I want to go. "I didn't reply and even Noah didn't. He repeated "please step aside. " But this time I asked him"what is your name?" but Noah asked this question at the same time. The boy replied "Aman and yours " l asked him "why you do want to know? "He replied calmly and in a polite voice," I asked your name because you want to know mine." I replied 'Jack ' and heard 'Noah ' too. After that he calmly said "Now can you plz step aside. " we step aside and he passed by I can see he is taller than me and had a good physique. Suddenly a girl behind came and grabbed Aman's arm and said " Aman leave with me "Aman smiled and said, "ok Maria ." And they left from there. My wolf was super angry at that girl. It wants to tear that girl apart.

I didn't speak to Noah and left from there. In the canteen, I saw Aman with his friends. I was about to go and talk with Aman but I saw him leaving with his friends so I stopped I asked my beta Aim to get his information.

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