

Chapter 68.

Laura's POV.

My body shook with anger and I had no idea what to do or how to control it. All I know is that no matter how hard I try to keep it in, I can, once I open my mouth, hurtful words come out.

The surprised look on his face was something I couldn't describe, I can't blame him, I'm surprised by my outrage.

"Are you okay, Laura?" He asked, his voice calmed and composed, he didn't look angry but the incredulous look on his face couldn't be hidden.

"I don't know. I don't. I think I'm gradually running mad." I replied, sitting down calmly but my body seemed to tense, my tongue urging me to say something but I kept my mouth shut and threw my arms around his neck. I can't be too angry about such a petty issue.

"Calm down baby, just calm down." He muttered, patting my back gently.

How did I get such a good man as a mate? I had no idea why I suddenly lost it, my tongue saying hurtful things to him but he still remained calm.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I swear
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