
Thirty Eight.

Ryan’s POV

“I think you better start talking Elle.”

She shifts around uncomfortably, her eyes darting around the room like she was searching for a way to escape. As soon as I realise what she is doing, I block the door, her invisibility tricks won’t work on me this time!

“Just tell me Elle because it sounds a lot like we both have a problem with Elijah.”

“I can’t, I promised!” she bites down on her bottom lip, exactly the way Aria had done whenever she was nervous.

“Come on Elle. It’s not like I can do anything anyway, his numbers are huge and I am just one man.”

“He will kill me if the information gets out!”

“And I might just kill you if you don’t start talking!” It was harsh, but I needed to know what she was hiding.

Her eyes widen at my response, the hazel of her eyes shifting to a grey colour when she suddenly charges me. As she slams into me, the pretty girl I knew was gone. Instead her face was sharper, her limbs had lengthened, her eyes bigger and rows of sharp teeth had replac
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