
Poor Theo

The morning began like any other. Sunlight streamed through the window, painting stripes across Theo's bedroom floor. Mama Hazel hummed a cheerful tune as she changed his diaper, her warm hands gentle on his chubby legs. But as she lifted him into his high chair, Theo's face scrunched up in a grimace.

"What's wrong, little man?" Mama Hazel asked, concern lacing her voice.

Theo let out a small whimper, his eyes watery. Mama Hazel checked his forehead, her brow furrowing. It was warm, uncomfortably warm.

"Oh, honey," she murmured, her heart sinking. "You're not feeling well."

The day took a sharp turn. Theo's appetite vanished, replaced by a persistent cough that rattled his tiny chest. His normally bright eyes were dull with fatigue. He spent most of the day curled up in Mama Hazel's lap, his small hand clutching her arm as if seeking comfort.

Mama Hazel, ever the nurturing presence, kept a watchful eye on him. She made him warm broth, read him stories in a soothing voice, and eve
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