
Chapter 30 - Elias' Denial


As I exited the den leaving Lyra to rest, I could feel the thundering cosmic forces we had unleashed with the consecration ceremony.

The very foundations of existence seemed to shudder around me as I strode through the corridors, my alpha aura blazing like a supernova.

"You did what needed to be done, my Lord," Talon's gruff baritone rumbled at my side as we entered my personal chambers. "Binding that omega to you permanently is the first step in your lineage's rebirth across the celestial planes."

I gave a curt nod, but remained silent as I moved towards the heavy oak desk dominating one side of the room. My inner wolf, Fury, stirred within my consciousness.

"She has accepted her sacred role...for now," Fury growled. "But you know there will be further resistance to overcome before her womb's bounty is made manifest."

"Resistance I will obliterate if needed," I responded in a low rumble as I took my seat. "Now that Lyra has sworn her covenant, any who raise a voice against
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