
Chapter 51 – Luna's Resolve


The next day I woke up to the rays shining on my face, my stomach clenched like a rough sea. Today was supposed to bring my next trial, but uncertainty gnawed at me. What new challenge awaited? Would I be strong enough to face it?

Selene, my wolf, stirred inside. “We've come this far,” she reminded me. “We will not back down now.

I nodded, drawing strength from her words as I got dressed. The soft fabric of my new dress felt foreign to my skin, a reminder of how much it had changed.

A knock on the door made me jump. “Come on,” I called, trying to keep the tremors in my voice.

To my surprise, it was Gabriel who entered, his imposing frame filling the doorway. My heart skipped a beat looking at him.

“Lyra,” he said, his deep voice sending a chill down my spine. "We need to talk."

I swallowed hard. "About the next trial?"

He shook his head, his emerald eyes intense. "There will be no more trials. Not for you."

My jaw dropped. "What? But… why?"

Gabriel stepped closer, his presence o
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