

" What do you mean?! You haven't answered my question. That thing was about to eat me, I have to know what it is and what are you. " She asked, confused.

" I will explain all these to you but you have to follow me to my house. This is for your own good, you aren't going to be safe if I leave you here all alone " Kane tried to explain.

" My own good? I was just attacked by that thing. "

" There are more of them out there. I can't leave you here. Please follow me. " He pleaded, Zelda looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity in them before reluctantly nodding her head to follow him to his house.

Zelda abruptly sat up from the dream, just having a terrible dream.

What the hell was that thing chasing her?

Her brows furrowed in confusion as she tried to remember what happened last night. As soon as the images flashed back to her memories, her eyes widened and she gasped in shock.

She must have probably slept off in Kane's arms but what she couldn't understand was why he brought her to
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