
124-Grumpy or Sunshine?


I was also exhausted and needed to shut my heavy eyes. I had planned to meet Zena after I was done with taking care of Alpha Rex’s alter ego but I was too tired to do that anymore. Or maybe I was trying to avoid talking about it for now and me being tired was an excuse, either way, I retired into my own room and just slumped on my bed, not even bothered enough to take a shower.

As I laid on the bed, my back on it and my face to the ceiling, like a tape was being rewinded, my mind drifted back to everything that has happened in just a span of two days and what it now means for me.

Lillian never said anything about how to make Alpha Rex return if he somehow becomes someone else. I remembered clearly everything she said about Alpha Rex, especially how no one has ever met his alter ego. It can only mean that now, I have to figure out a way to make him return to his true self.

What if I am never able to do that?

What if Alpha Rex never returns?

What if he is stuck as his Omega alt
Littlest Writer

Grumpy Alpha Rex or Sunshine Alpha Rex?😅😅 As much as I love writing this version of him, I can’t help but miss the grumpy one. One makes Eudora’s heart flutter and the other makes her body crave things👀 Talk about confusion! And it’s only just the beginning.

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