
The Line Between Dream And Reality


I stood there, a sense of uncertainty washing over me as Zander disappeared into the bathroom. The seconds felt like minutes as I waited, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The room seemed to tighten around me, and I found myself pacing back and forth, my eyes occasionally glancing at the ticking clock on the wall.

Finally, he emerged from the bathroom, clad in sleepwear that hung comfortably on his frame. His hair was still damp, each strand catching a glimmer of light as he ruffled it with his hand, a casual yet enticing gesture that sent a shiver down my spine. I swallowed hard, my heart doing an erratic dance in my chest. It was impossible to deny – my ex-mate looked strikingly hot.

"You want to use the bathroom?!" his voice broke through my reverie, concern knitting his brows together.

I shook my head slightly, still trapped in a trance, my voice held hostage by the sheer intensity of the moment.

"Okay, let's call it a night," he declared, his footsteps leading him to his
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