
Chapter 5

Kathleen’s POV

Upon arriving home, I discovered that lunch was set out on the table, a grin spreading across my face as I approached my mother. “Wow, Mom, it smells incredible.”

Eleanor Mane, my mother—a striking woman with flowing chestnut hair and azure eyes—returned my smile while arranging the dishes. “Indeed, I decided to cook now, especially since your father will be back in no time.”

I was taken aback by the news. “Dad’s coming back? I thought he mentioned his journey to the Dark Moon Pack would be an extended stay.”

My mom nodded, her expression thoughtful. “You’re right. I assumed the same, dear, but your father’s the one who can provide an accurate answer. Perhaps he has some crucial information for Alpha Lachlan, so after coming home, he might end up resuming his busy schedule.”

As I mulled over her words, a question emerged. “Has Dad ever disclosed the nature of his mission to the Dark Moon Pack? And why was he selected for this task? After all, he’s not even a warrior—”

“He did what was necessary for our family, Kath. Collaborating with the Alpha secured our own home, granted us the means to educate you. You comprehend the circumstances,” my mom affirmed.

And I nodded, since I do understand the situation.

After my real dad died, the Manes took me in.

Gavin Mane, my foster father and an immensely resilient Beta never wanted anything to do with Pack politics, a stance different from my biological father’s but then, after he became responsible for me, he had no choice but to secure a job with the Pack since that was a much better way to earn good money and live a good life.

He found it hard as Alpha Lachlan had once extended an offer to appoint him as a personal warrior due to my father’s remarkable combat skills—he was hailed as the best during his time in school, according to him. However, he turned it down so Alpha Lachlan held a grudge against me.

The warrior position was no longer available; instead the Alpha sent him on a confidential mission. We don't even know if it’s dangerous.

And my mom is worried about him everyday. So obvious.

“Kath, that’s definitely a man’s shirt,” my mom observed, prompting me to gasp and look at it. “There’s an unmistakable masculine aura about it. What did you do after school? I heard you skipped the fitness class.”

I rolled my eyes, frustrated, and pulled out a chair to sit down. “Yeah, I did. But honestly, Mom, it’s not a big deal. I promise.”

“If I think there's nothing to worry about, your dad is ready to take that mantle. So, go change before he gets here, or that will be the first thing he asks about before anything else. You know how finely tuned his instincts are.” My mom cautioned.

Sighing, I left the room and ascended the stairs to my own.

I was eagerly anticipating my dad’s return, and I didn’t want anything to spoil our reunion.

Taking off the shirt, I held it up with a smile. It was surreal to think I was holding Alpha Lance’s shirt.

Bringing it close to my nose, I breathed in the scent, feeling a rush of euphoria wash over me. It was a pleasant sensation.

I still can't believe I almost had $ex with Alpha Lance.

As I prepared to have my meal, the sound of a car pulling in caught my attention, and I didn’t waste any time waiting in my room. I dashed down the stairs and out to the driveway. As soon as I spotted him, I couldn’t help but shout, “Dad!” I rushed over and leaped into his arms, eliciting a chuckle from him as he hoisted me up.

“Hey there, Snow,” he greeted amidst his laughter.

After our hug, I beamed at him. “Mom said you’d be coming today. I’m overjoyed to see you.”

My dad shot a mockingly disappointed glance at my mom. “She was supposed to be surprised.”

“She was surprised when I mentioned it to her,” my mom responded with an unconcerned nod.

My dad’s laughter continued as he looked back at me, ruffling my hair and tenderly brushing my face, as though I were still a little girl. “It’s only a brief visit, Snow. But I’m glad to be back. I missed you both.”

We exchanged a warm family embrace before heading indoors to enjoy our meal.

“So, Gavin, I imagine you must have a lot to discuss with Alpha Lachlan, considering your sudden arrival,” my mom remarked as we ate.

My dad merely nodded, keeping his lips sealed as was his custom since he never actually talks about his mission.

He turned his gaze toward me and inquired, “How’s school? I assume you’ve picked up a few self-defense techniques even though you haven’t managed to shift yet. I told you that's one way to prove yourself in a dangerous world like ours.”

I blinked and affirmed, “Certainly, Dad. I’m committed to my studies, no need to worry.”

My dad responded with a nod, his expression becoming serious once more. “Good, because there will come a time when I’ll assess your skills.”

Having said that, he got up from his seat. “I need to head to the Packhouse and meet with the Alpha immediately. He should be informed of my return.”

We both nodded, and he left.

I turned to my mom, and she offered a reassuring smile. “Make sure you’re learning diligently. Your father is quite serious about it.”

I managed a forced smile and nodded in agreement.


Gavin stormed into Alpha Lachlan’s study, and slammed the door shut forcefully, one could sense the anger he portrayed toward it.

Alpha Lachlan, visibly taken aback by Gavin’s demeanor, let out an exasperated sigh, and couldn’t help but comment, “It seems my door is receiving quite the attention today.”

“My undercover investigation is progressing, Alpha Lachlan. I’ve uncovered recent activities by Alpha Meismer,” Gavin declared.

“And what might those activities entail?” Alpha Lachlan inquired, his curiosity piqued.

“Alpha Meismer has been holding meetings with witches, aiming to establish contact with Ma Arlian,” Gavin revealed, forcefully placing several pictures on Alpha Lachlan’s desk as evidence. “These photos substantiate my claim.”

“The oracle?” Alpha Lachlan exclaimed in astonishment, studying the images intently. “What could Alpha Meismer possibly seek from the oracle? What devious scheme is that rogue concocting this time?”

Gavin shrugged and replied, “I'm still piecing it together, but it's evident he's determined to assert dominance over our world, and he's willing to resort to any means necessary. However, accessing the oracle typically requires a sacrifice, from what I've heard.”

Alpha Lachlan nodded thoughtfully. “The oracle considers herself a deity, a goddess, and she often demands blood sacrifices. It wouldn't be surprising if Meismer is willing to comply.”

“But it seems the witches are resisting his efforts. Regardless, there must be a compelling reason why he's seeking an audience with the oracle, and I intend to uncover it upon my return,” Gavin declared, preparing to depart.

However, Alpha Lachlan halted him with a question, “Do you know what your daughter has been up to lately?”

Gavin furrowed his brow, casting a perplexed glance at Alpha Lachlan. "I'm more interested in understanding why my daughter has become the topic of our conversation."

"I need you to ensure she doesn't become a complicating factor, Gavin. Our relationship must remain strictly professional, without any personal entanglements," Alpha Lachlan cautioned.

With a nod, Gavin turned on his heel and departed.

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