


“Little bird.” The sweet voice echoes through the woods from my attacker. I hit my head pretty hard and he kicked my ribs in pretty good. I’m not going down without a fight though. So I fled but his voice carried and goosebumps ran up my spine from the sound of his voice.

“Run little bird.” I can hear my heartbeat in my ears and see a road as I approach. I cross it quickly and continue to run. My feet bleed from the sharp sticks and rocks on the forest floor. I don’t stop though until I see a building. I run for it and close the door falling down a flight of stairs in the darkness. My head smacks concrete hard at the bottom and my vision blurs not that I can see much anyway. Nails drag across my scalp as burning pain erupts where someone grabs a large handful of my hair and begins dragging me across the floor. I squirm feeling my hair tear from my scalp. I am thrown over their shoulder as I dangle fighting to stay conscious. My back slams into something hard and cold and I
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