


It's crazy that I have such a feeling and I can't seem to Phantom what is going on with me.

I woke up feeling so uneasy this morning. I couldn't shake off this feeling that something wasn't right. I got dressed and headed to work, hoping that the feeling would go away. But as soon as I stepped into the office, I knew that something was definitely off.

I went straight to Karla's kitchen. Karla and I had a history; we had dated in the past but it didn't work out for us. We decided to remain friends and it worked out fine. But right now, I needed to talk to someone and Karla was the only one I could trust.

"Hey, Karla," I said, walking into her office.

"Hey, Damon," she said, looking up from her computer. "What's up?"

"I don't know," I said, pacing around her office. "I woke up feeling really uneasy this morning. Something just seems off."

"Off? How do you mean?" she asked, arching her eyebrows.

"I don't know," I said, feeling frustrated. "It's like something bad is going to ha
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