


My head was throbbing with pain, and I could barely see anything through the blurry haze. The sound of metal scraping against metal echoed in my ears, and I knew that something terrible had happened. I tried to move, but my body felt heavy and unresponsive. I could feel my life slipping away from me, and a deep sense of fear and panic set in.

But then, I heard a voice. It was muffled and distant, but it was there. I strained my eyes to see who it was, but everything was still blurry. And then, I felt someone's hands on me, lifting me up and carrying me. The pain in my body intensified, but I was grateful for the warmth and comfort of the person holding me.

As I was being carried, I tried to mutter something, anything to let the person know that I was alive. And then, I remembered his name. Zavier. I whispered it, hoping that he would hear me, that he would know that I was still here.

The world around me started to fade, and I felt myself slipping away into unconsciousnes
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