


"Come in." Alpha Kai's response came through and Reign let out a heavy sigh. She was going in to serve him breakfast as always. She still hadn't gotten over what he did to her the previous night. She was furious and deeply disappointed in him. That was the worst kind of punishment she had ever been subjected to. That night, while watching them have sex, she wished he had locked her up in the dungeon instead. It was a disgusting thing to witness and she wasn't going to get it out of her mind anytime soon.

After taking short breathes to calm her racing heart and raging nerves, she finally opened the door and stepped in. To her surprise, Alpha Kai was already seated in on the couch in the sitting area, all dressed up up for work and waiting for her to serve the meal.

"Are you going to keep standing there like a statue or will you come over here and serve my breakfast as you should." Reign sighed and clicked her tongue. She was mad at him and she had promised herself
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