
Chapter 19

Xander pov

My voice, filled with honest anger, resonated with power, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard me. The pack, sensing my determination, responded with a resounding roar of agreement. They were ready to follow their leader, to fight for their territory, for their pack, for me, their alpha.

The night air crackled with anticipation, the scent of danger mingling with the scent of the pack's collective determination.

The rival pack, calling themselves The Shadow pack, had dared to challenge my dominion over the territory. Their message was simple: yield, or be defeated. For me, this wasn't just about territory. It was about respect, about proving my pack's strength, about reaffirming my role as Alpha. I wouldn't back down.

"The Shadow pack awaits," I barked, my voice a deep rumble that resonated through the forest. "they wait for us to fight on their terms. But we are the black pool. We do not succumb to intimidation.'

A chorus of growls echoed back, each wolf's eye
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