
Chapter 4

****Leila Pov****

I had never entered Xander’s office before, I was surprised at how modern his office looked. With its dark rustic color scheme, hardwood floors, and wood-paneled ceilings. The sound of the door being shut softly made me quiver in fear.  I was alone with Alpha Xander of the Black Pool pack. A man who killed all his brothers to secure his place as Alpha. 

My mouth went dry as I thought about it. 

“Why don't you want to bond with Damian Anymore?” his deep baritone voice echoed across the entire office. “And what was it you said about him cheating?”

He had his back turned against me as he soaked up the night view of the city. His frame was muscular, he had a dragon tattoo on his arm that stretched all the way to his back. 

He ripped the remnant of his shirt off, as he washed his face and hands, before changing into another shirt. 

“It was a slip of the tongue.” I managed to speak out. “ I just wanted the whole relationship to end”

He didn't say a word as he furrowed his brow at me. I could feel his gaze burning into my soul as I sat there, fiddling with the edge of my dress. Finally, he broke the silence. 

“How much do you know about the Triumph procession,” he said. 

I blinked, not sure where that question came from. 

Triumph processions were spectacles, held after any win. According to Tradition, it was the duty of the Luna to dress like the Moon Goddes in a procession. She was to fulfill the most important ritual in the ceremony, giving offerings and praying that the Goddess would keep blessing us. 

Since we didn't have a luna yet, the honor was given to our high priestess. Diana, temporarily. 

“I know enough” I replied as I gulped. 

“Will you do us the honors this time around?” his voice smooth yet seductive. 

“I'm afraid I possibly can't. I'll take any role that makes me feel less worthy or more of a loser” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper as my head hung low. 

“What makes you feel less worthy or valuable?” he replied. I could see him frowning at me. 

He took my hand in his and led me to a drawer. I felt a wave of ease and comfort wash over me. His touch was divine as his skin was soft and cuddly. 

He opened the drawer and pulled out a rugged-edged dagger. I felt my heart racing with fear at the sight of the weapon. 

A bemused smile stretched over his lips at my reaction. 

“Take this,” he said, placing the dagger in my hands. He slowly curled his hand against mine as he ran the sharp edge of the dagger against his exposed wrist. 

“what are you doing!” I screamed in horror. 

He laughed in a devilish tone. 

“No loser could possibly make me bleed Leila” he whispered into my ears and smeared some of his blood on my forehead, he turned me to face a mirror at the corner of the office. We both watched as the blood vanished within seconds. 

I felt like I was in a dream and this loosened my tongue. 

“why did you do that,” I said. 

Xander chuckled, I had never seen him like this before. 

“You’re going to be the moon goddess in the triumph procession,” he replied in a stern voice. 

I couldn't believe my ears as Xander was not a man known for many words. 

“Tell Carlson to meet up with me for dinner,” he said and motioned for me to leave. 

I woke up the next morning to a quiet house. Mostly because my father and ex-financé were out serving their punishment of double pack training. 

I sat at the dining table, thinking about everything that happened the previous day. When a knock on the door pulled me from my reverie. 

I stride towards the door when Amelia stopped me in my tracks. 

“Hey slut,” she said. “No matter how hard you try to throw yourself at Alpha Xander and portray yourself as a victim, I promise you will never win his heart.”

I ignored her words as I opened the door. 

It was Romero, the leading Delta of the Black Pool pack. I wondered what he was doing here when everyone knew that Father was out in the fields by the Alpha orders. 

“The Alpha informed me that, you have been appointed to play the Moon Goddess at the triumph procession tomorrow”

He said, 

“Romero,” Amelia spluttered, blinking rapidly with a look of disbelief. “I think you have the wrong person. Surely you came here for me”

“No my lady, I'm here for Leila” he answered in a calm tone. 

Amelia’s face turned red in anger. “I… I..  Um, think.." She was interrupted as Romero stepped aside, revealing a long procession of Omega’s behind him. All carrying different boxes which had highly sought-after precious metals, pieces of jewelry, and garments. 

I stood there dumbfounded as I watched them drop all the boxes in my room. These were gifts from the Alpha no doubt. I whispered to myself. 

“I've been instructed to let you pick anything you would like to wear at the procession tomorrow.” he said, before foraging through his coat pocket, and pulling out an envelope. “ he also said to give this to you,” Romero added. 

With shaky hands, I took the envelope from him. Without saying any more words, Romero veered around and left. Leaving me with Alessia who was obviously boiling with rage and a group of omegas. 

I broke the seal off, pulling the letter. Its words were gracefully written which read: ‘These are for you, ONLY. Meet me at the pack training ground by noon.’

Xander was seated on a high gilded throne, on a raised platform when I arrived. My gaze met his and he let out a small smile. He ruled the pack with an iron fist, no one in the pack dared look at him in the eyes, and they all cowered at his presence. But with me, he was different. 

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