
Chapter 105: Two Groups


The giant Octopus was now beneath us. I knew it because I could see it. I was afraid but I didn't want to see it anymore for fear I might fall into the sea. Any second from now Alpha Abbadon was going to give the signal.

"NOW! TURN!" Alpha Abbadon exclaimed as Beta Red raft at the back were the first to turn right. Others quickly followed suit, going in opposite directions.

"BAELA HANG ON TIGHTLY". Alpha Abbadon said as he went right. We had succeeded in splitting successfully into two camps and we're spreading wider apart from each other.

I knew the giant Octopus knew his meal was getting away but now it had to act fast and decide which of the two camps it was going to follow.

It took it some few seconds to decide who he was going to come after. The fishes it was used to hunting did not behave this way and usually would group together for safety.

"IT IS ON OUR TAIL!" Alpha Abbadon said, confirming my fears. It had decided to come after us. It had followed the path of the last
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