
Chapter 106: Underneath


Now I could feel the tension in me and in our group as we were being forced to reunite with the others. We were on a course to meet them but they were ahead of us by hundreds and thousands of meters. I don't think we would ever successfully rejoin them, seeing how far ahead they were from us but whatever the case maybe the giant Octopus was directly underneath us.

"What will you do, Alpha Abbadon? Save us!" I pleaded with him, not ready to die like this, in the gut of a sea monster.


"EVERYONE STEER RIGHT AND STRAIGHT AHEAD!" Alpha Abbadon exclaimed as he turned his raft heading right and straight ahead.

Further right would take us to the legs of the giant Octopus but our course was straight ahead for the shores of Gaiamania.

I could see the other rafts follow suit, we were no longer on course to rejoin the other splitter groups but had our own bearing.

We hadn't gone far when our raft was hit from underneath, throwing me into the air. I d
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