
The Alpha

*Laura’s POV*

"We're here." Someone said from beside me. It was that other Giant whom I almost thought was the one to marry Annabel- Or me...

Before I could even blink, the car door had been thrown open and the Giant one was already outside. How he could flee from the car with such speed was way beyond me. They could be hybrids!

"Come down." someone said from outside the car but I couldn't move. I couldn't bring myself to. I could only stare at them in pure horror and wonder what would become of me if I did.

"Come down!" Another gruff voice commanded fiercely. Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind, I picked up my wobbly legs and got out of the car as fast as I could.

"Good." Giant one said, "Come this way." he stated simply, and for the first time since my first encounter with him, I noticed he had a distinct accent- he's probably half Irish.

Looking towards the direction he was pointing at, I saw a large glass mansion, Glass! Or maybe it was made from a material that looked like glass- it was like a thousand times the size of my normal home. Giant two a.k.a the husband was already walking into the house with bodyguards following closely behind him.

The exterior had that glass plus golden decorations and there were tons of bodyguards scattered everywhere. I couldn't help but marvel at the excessive show off of wealth.

"Miss, this way." Giant one called out again but this time there was a hint of aggression in his tone of voice.

Ignoring him, I turned around and made my way towards the direction in which the car came from- the gate, but my stubbornness didn't last long as I was immediately lifted and that was it.

Next thing I knew, I was hanging upside down from Giant one's shoulder and screeching like a deranged bat.

"Put me down!" I screamed angrily, his shoulder was too hard and it was pressed roughly against my stomach making me squirm in pain. "Put me down or I'll bite off a huge chunk of meat from your back!"

Stubborn Mr Giant paid no attention to me and continued walking towards the house, I bit down hard against his back and waited for a reaction but none came- Are you for real?

Never give up baby tiger!

I bit down again, and again, no reaction came from him. In sheer anger I bit down harder this time until my teeth hurt; all I could get from him was the most outrageous reply I could ever imagine;

"Shit baby girl, quit doing that; you’re turning me on!" Feeling frustrated, I let him carry me all the way into the living room where he roughly dumped me back on my feet.

Giant two was waiting for us, and he was staring at me like I was some sort of alien.

"Why was she brought in here in that manner?" He snarled, his attention fully on Giant one.

"Because she tried to escape Alpha." Giant one replied exasperatedly. Alpha? "She's quite a case." he added. I didn't want to listen to their discussion so I focused my attention on my surroundings. The interior was all gold and white; everything looked like it was out of a good movie.

The furniture were exquisite and most looked like they could cost about a million dollar each. Sighing in anger at the sheer show off, I turned to face them. They looked like they were in a heated conversation about me.

"Hey!" I called waving my hands in front of them, "I am still here." Giant one and two turned to look at me with ferocious eyes. The looks they gave me could easily melt iron, but I wasn't iron. Instead of backing down, I placed both of my hands on my hips and gave them my own infamous stink eye.

"I don't want to stay here." I said after a moment of silence. They didn't say a word, didn't move, didn't even blink. I was already about to scream out in frustration before Giant two spoke up,

"Leave us alone Kyle, we'll continue this conversation later." oh so Giant one's name is Kyle?

"Kyle," I snapped, making the so called Kyle look at me, "If I ever lay my hands on you, I'll kill you for bringing me in here like a ram!" I threatened, and I wasn't bluffing.

"Now what do you want to say?" The alpha drawled, cutting me off in the process.

"I'm not staying here," I said again, this time with a fierceness I never knew I had.

"You do not have a choice here woman, you can only leave here once you’ve paid me the money your Dad owes me." He snapped.

“He’s not even my dad!” I yelled in frustration, “you should’ve taken his own daughter and not me!”

"Drake! Show her to her room." He called to one of his bodyguards, ignoring my rants. I knew it couldn't end this way. I wasn't born to get into this sort of shit then back down without a fight, so without thinking I blurted out the first lie I could think of;

"You have to let me go, for your safety!" I screeched in feigned worry.

"Really?" He challenged.

"Y-yes!" I stuttered. "I am half werewolf, half beast!" I screamed. The only reaction I got from Him was a cocked eyebrow- I needed to sound believable! His look could tell me he wasn't buying it but I continued anyways, "You know my Dad's a scientist right?" I asked and then he motioned to me to continue;

"One day he created a Gene altercation substance that was supposed to give normal people super powers. Make them stronger; and somehow he had to test it on me since he couldn't afford to get a lab rat, but it didn't turn out the way He expected. Instead of waking up to new powers, I started turning into a monstrous looking creature at midnight; and that has been a problem for a year now. There's nothing Dad hasn't tried to—”

"Is this true?" He asked, cutting me off and I nodded fiercely. There was no way I could utter any words right now for my excitement would be let out.

"If this is true, then I need to find out myself; and probably source for a solution." he said, then whispering so no one would hear, he said; “…because you’re my mate.”

"Drake, do not take her to the guest room tonight. Ask the maids to strip her, and chain her in my room... I want to be at close watch while she changes into the beast tonight."

From the corner of the eye, I noticed someone chuckling. It was the stupid Kyle; I glared at him and then refocused my attention to the Alpha.

"No, you don’t want to!" I shrieked, tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

It seemed like He was no longer interested in my acting because he waved dismissively in my face and turned away from me.

"Take this crazy lady to my room and strip her; inject her if you have to, I'm watching her change tonight." With those last words, he turned on his heels and walked away.

"No! N-no! No! no! no!" I chanted continuously as one hefty bodyguard walked up to me. I felt foolish. Really foolish. How could I be so stupid as to come up with a story as useless as that? Fear and desperation clouded my mind as I sought for other means to escape, but my thoughts hadn’t quite formed when I noticed the sharp sting of something on my neck.

My mind went blank, but before I slipped into unconsciousness, I couldn’t help but think that this shouldn’t be happening to me, in fact it was supposed to be happening to Annabel…

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